

Responses from artemus_5

More news on the Herron Line Stage
Nice. Enjoy. Glad you are back up and running.  
Recording with bass to align my subs with my speakers
@millercarbon is right about different albums over time. I am a musician, DJ and sound engineer. This is where the sound engineer comes in. Play any of your jazz & R&R records at a normal (for you) listening level. What you want to do is a... 
Suggestions for an integrated upgrade please
Imo the MacBook is the weakest link in the system, not the amp.  
It's Great Having So Many Choices (?)
The problem is not too many choices but too many overlapping choices or meaningless choices that just muddy up the water. This has come with the complexity of our technology which we have surrounded ourselves with IMO. The more complex the system ... 
Could You Tell a Tube Integrated from a Solid State Receiver If All Else Were Equal?
+1  @fiesta75  Not a good match up with a tube stereo vs solid state AV amp. Its like comparing a plane to a helicopter. They both fly. Or a jet vs a prop plane? Ever tried crop dusting in a jet? IOW, it depends on the job. In this case, one is m... 
Is this amount of record/tonearm bobbing "normal"
Yes. It's just tracking the record which has a slight warp. But it's not that much to worry about. Many albums  have this. A record clamp or weight can help. But again its really a normal ocurance  
Newbie Needs Assistance
@sns I’ve obviously got my head up my butt on this Raven thing.  What’d I miss?   A circle jerk festival....9 pages so far. They have a picture of MC and one of Raven Dave in the middle. Obviously there is still time to get involved but I doub... 
Happy New Year to Me, from OL to Triplanar
@atmasphere  From what little research  I did before the purchase, I believe most people seem to Not use the damping fluid. I  got it setup just before Christmas so I haven't done much adjustments other than setup the arm & cart. I understand... 
Please recommend speakers
Geez Guys. Look at his amp. Then look at the Vandy's 86db for a questionable inexpensive amp that is rated 50 wpc? Youi can't just call out speakers because they are good. The Vandy's are as are many others. But the amp won't drive them properly.  
Please recommend speakers
@expresstrain Perhaps I should also consider the Klipsch 600M (sensitivity of 96db) Yes, Klipsch is another high efficiency speaker mfg. While looking up the ones you mentioned, I ran across these. Supposedly the are a discontinued model but ... 
Happy New Year to Me, from OL to Triplanar
Thanks @millercarbon I had those written down somewhere but who knows where it is now. I appreciate you bringing this to my attention again. FWIW I got this arm used and it was just brought up to present specs last year. So yes, the MSRP on new... 
High end turntables
Good post @ghdprentice  You are surely right about the changes that come with a good vinyl chain. I always know how far up the chain someone has been when they talk about pops & clicks. Its usually not very far  
Anyone use/care to comment on the Pro-ject VC-E RCM?
FWIW its always helpful to post a link to the product you are asking about. If you are going for a vacuum machine, Record Doctor is the way to go. Take your pick  
Please recommend speakers
I see the amp is rated at 50 wpc.@8ohms. The way they post the spec makesme believe that 50wpc is questionable.  I would not look at any speaker with less than 90-91 db sensitivity. 93+ even better. So far, none of the speakers except the Tektons ... 
Walmart, 97 cents, for Vibration Control
Simply place on components, or wrap around cables and plugs. I understand about the cables but what do these do when placed on top of equipment? This is something I am unfamiliar with