
Responses from andy2

Has to be said
atdavid can write for sure.  Either he has a lot of time or someone else writing for him or he just copied and pasted.  I think I'll learn that when I finally retire.  So what's the definition of infinity?  It's called "atdavid" lols.   
Go Active Crossover or Upgrade existing XOs?
Anything is possible with money and time.  But then with too much money and time will lead to hubris.  And that's why God created men and women.  OK, enough hubris from me.   
How Science Got Sound Wrong
We should also consider the difference between "perceived resolution" vs. "processed resolution".  For example, when we told someone we "heard things", it's our brain told us that we "heard things", but it's possible that the brain processed a lot... 
Why no “Break in” period?
Politely attacking somebody is still attacking.  It seems like millercarbon has received a lot of that, not that I am agreeing or disagreeing with him.  Hiding under the umbrella of "politeness" is not going to cut it with me.   
Why no “Break in” period?
Time heals all wounds. People forgive, but they don't forget.  There are times when they don't forgive either.  Any thread that works in a reference to Uma Thurman is a thread I am going to follow..Didn't see any.  . 
Considering the option of "DSP speakers"
Also as for the Hypex plate amp mentioned above, I am not sure if the built-in digital amp is "SPDIF amp", if so then it’s possible the Hypex module does not have to go "digital to analog" conversion which is definitely a plus. Their documentation... 
How Science Got Sound Wrong
The bass frequencies of CDs aren’t that great, either, if you ask me I am pretty sure you've got a CDP at your home.   
Thiel Owners
I agree with the ported bass - it's definitely a compromise.  Well you can't have it all I guess.  Wanting clean bass is not cheap :-) 
Why no “Break in” period?
Hey something just popped in my head. millercarbon and prof are the same person - like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Their damn posts are way too long.  Most of us have to make a living, cook, eat, clean up the house, take care of the yards, washing ca... 
Why no “Break in” period?
Metals are good heat conductor because mostly of free electrons carrying kinetic energy (heat). Car engine breaking in is possible because of friction and heat. And of course electric current in cables is carried by electron which generating frict... 
How Science Got Sound Wrong
It's all the high frequencies.  The better the digital gets, the better the high frequencies not getting as messed up.  Digital amp actual is pretty good with the bass, but don't let it near your tweeters.  Many people say digital CD is almost if ... 
Why no “Break in” period?
Many companies now put something in their manuals like, "don't worry if it sound like crap. It takes three months for it to break in." When people don't know why they make stuff up. The Greeks made up Zeus.Actually it should read like:  Many comp... 
Why no “Break in” period?
Everything is made of the same stuffs - electrons, neutrons, protons ... and so on.  Car engines are made out of the same stuffs, just like cables, capacitors, inductors ... and so on.Most people are comfortable with engines breaking-in, but findi... 
Thiel Owners
JA - if and as a small company might be created to keep Classic Thiel speakers updated, all models are in the mix. Hi Tom,Please remember the American moto: "Close but no cigar".  We at the end will want "cigar" :-) 
Are you Beethoven or Mozart?
Beethoven. Especially as performed by Gary Oldman conducting the Mossberg symphony shotgun.  Lol! ... from the beginning eh!