
Responses from andy2

Why no “Break in” period?
“Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts.” Albert Einstein.lols I managed to squeeze that in.  And here is mine that even muchas better than that a$$ :-)  and mark my words.There is no such thing ... 
Thiel Owners
Not meaning to turn this thread to "tubes vs. solid state", but I currently have a Conrad Johnson 17LS and Pass Labs XP10, but I prefer the 17LS for music listening, but the XP10 is a really good preamp and in some way actually more refined than t... 
Considering the option of "DSP speakers"
It seems like Dynaudio also offers some pretty high end "active" options. Their most expensive is the Focus XD 60 which is $10K even. Why couldn’t they make them $7K even? I might throw in a $1K tip lols.$10K is some serious money for a pair of sp... 
How Science Got Sound Wrong
There are so many "butt hurts" in this thread I myself starting to feel a bitty itchy back there.   
Go Active Crossover or Upgrade existing XOs?
Is asvjerry posting in Engles?  No comprendo muchachas.  Es poquito? 
Why no “Break in” period?
Hey, does my girl break-in?  She's a bit stiff.   
Go Active Crossover or Upgrade existing XOs?
With a digital input, only the side effects you intend, which any speaker is going to greatly swamp. Hey, can I go with "DSP" and live happily ever after?   
Why no “Break in” period?
How can prof post so fast with so many words in a long post?  Did he and his posts materialize out of thin air?  Is he in my living room with me?   
Why no “Break in” period?
3. What prevents whatever the breakin process is, to stop when the equipment sounds better? Why doesn't it continue to breakin for its entire life and continue to improve? Can you step into the same river twice?Can you listen to the same cable ... 
Go Active Crossover or Upgrade existing XOs?
Digital cross-overs are unlimited, though stock cross-overs and firmware only touch on what is possible with advanced signal processing which can do things that no analog cross-over, active or passive could ever do, especially integrated in desi... 
Why no “Break in” period?
Why doesn’t anything sound worse when it breaks in? Probably the reason may be similar to why most equipment will sound "better" fully warmed up although that doesn’t really have to be the case. I intentionally used the word "most" since if I say... 
What is $5,000 worth today, and is it better than 1,600 in the 80's?
The theory is basically the same but the implementation is much better now.  I am not an economist so I don't know enough of inflation (except that it goes higher and higher), but the quality of equipment is "much" better now.  Such examples as ca... 
Considering the option of "DSP speakers"
A "DSP" manifesto?  An audiophile brave new world? ... Can you apply it to my bedroom? Looking forward, Dirac’s exploring ways to apply its leading room correction technology to more ... 
Go Active Crossover or Upgrade existing XOs?
From your question it's obvious that you don't have the technical skills to start from scratch using any kind of active crossovers. To get it right is a complex process even for an experienced person, my recommendation is to leave it alone and s... 
Are you Beethoven or Mozart?
Leonard Bernstein once said in Beethoven music, every note is a right note. No second guessing. List, on the other hands, ahem ... but they sure sound good with a sip of wine.