
Responses from analogluvr

Maybe tube preamp
Claude's suggestion is a vet good one. Another would be the Bottlehead beepre. Fantastic unit at any price.  
Soundstage and explosive dynamics?
Kosst.  Actually it's not my cult,  my speakers are not all out horn's. Only the tweeter is a horn, the mid and bass are regular dynamic cones.   But I have owned quite a few speakers many mid efficiency like Vander Steen, reference 3A, Dynaco, Ta... 
Soundstage and explosive dynamics?
Phusis I just checked out Simon mears and those look like some beautiful speakers you have! I bet they sound fabulous! 
Soundstage and explosive dynamics?
Kosst  it's not that I think they are the only viable way, it's that when you post blatantly wrong information that I feel the need to correct it.  This way when  people read these threads in the future  hopefully they won't be misled.   There is ... 
 It's a rip off. Typical audio file crap. Even according to Johnny B 53's four times the cost to make, there's no way that thing cost $100 to make. More like 30 or 40.  And I don't understand why these dealers need to double their money when all t... 
Soundstage and explosive dynamics?
What are your speakers phusis? 
Soundstage and explosive dynamics?
Phusis excellent explanation which I cannot find any fault with.Larry good point as well, there are bad implementations of horns which generally I find to be in the cheaper PA realm 
Soundstage and explosive dynamics?
And that's an excellent post helmotech  
Soundstage and explosive dynamics?
Sorry kosst, again pretty much every point in your last post is wrong. Horns sound better at all volumes due to much lower distortion. The driver simply is not working hard. You need to get out and hear some good horns! 
input impedance load on a cartridge.
That explains why I almost always like 47K since I have a herron. If I had a chance to try an mp1 I wouldn't turn it down.  
Let's talk power cords
The biggest scam going in high-end audio. And there are quite a few scams to choose from! Anybody who any idea about how the equipment and electricity works realizes how ridiculous the whole thing is. 
Let's talk power cords
 If you don't have the one end plugged into the wall.  
Let's talk power cords
 Make a big change, stupid talk to text…  
Let's talk power cords
 They make up the change in all systems!!! 
Soundstage and explosive dynamics?
Have not tried the 811