
Responses from analogluvr

Would love some feedback / Denon DL-S1 / phono match / cart recomendations
 The Denon cartridge is better in the manner that if he doesn't like it he can sell it and probably get his money back. These ortofons you keep going on about, are definitely good cartridges, but you're talking about an extra $1600.  
Cartridge question
 I was not aware of this product so I looked it up and read up on it. Sounds a lot like an older audio technica moving magnet and it looks a bit like one too by the shape.  I wonder if they make it for mofi. There really is nothing new under the s... 
Would love some feedback / Denon DL-S1 / phono match / cart recomendations
Raul yes I got it. And to throw another wrench at your superior knowledge I run otl as well. Even the op who is admittedly not an expert knows that the most linear device is a triode. So remove the output transformer from the equation and it is fa... 
Would love some feedback / Denon DL-S1 / phono match / cart recomendations
Yes Raul my horn speakers are roughly 104db for 1 watt.  So 90 percent of the time I am using less than 1 W. Hence there is much less distortion then with a solid-state Amp. I'm not sure where you get this fallacy that Tubes degrade the signal mor... 
Would love some feedback / Denon DL-S1 / phono match / cart recomendations
 Raul you don't know what you're talking about! Regarding tubes in their proper range, I don't mean the frequency range I mean as long as their not being over driven. If a SET  Power amp that can make 22 W max is being driven at 1 W it makes vanis... 
Would love some feedback / Denon DL-S1 / phono match / cart recomendations
 Also I would definitely go with the Denon cartridge over the audio quest.  
Would love some feedback / Denon DL-S1 / phono match / cart recomendations
 Yes take Raul with a huge pinch of salt. Anybody who doesn't like Tubes and prefers digital has a tin ear.  He continually speaks of minimizing distortion when in fact Tubes run in their proper zone often have less distortion than solid-state.  A... 
Soundsmith Aida vs Hana sh
 I would second Lewm's notion.  I also tried a glider hi output and it left me cold. From my understanding you lose the benefits of MC when you go with a high output MC.  The chinook will support a low output cartridge, will it not?   Even if it d... 
Static Electricity on Vinyl
 I find it makes a huge difference as to which turntable i use. My VPI TNT is the worst. Everything I play on it gets static charged by the time I'm done half of a side.  I have a teres and a micro and they don't seem to suffer from static at all  
Grace Level ll
Be careful as using a higher compliance cartridge on a heavier tonearm can wear out the suspension quicker  
Fidelity Research FR5e
What happened?? 
AC vs DC motor?
What would I get for a battery?  Would a lead acid house bank boat battery work? 
Horn based loudspeakers why the controversy?
Oddiofyl  I believe that is when Altec  was no longer Altec 
Can cables of any cost and quality provide bass response missing in my B&W speakers?
 And whatever you do don't go blowing a bundle on some magical cable that supposed to have amazing base… Cables make very very minimal difference at best. Since this is a signal carrying cable I won't say that it makes no difference, but it will b... 
Can cables of any cost and quality provide bass response missing in my B&W speakers?
 I would definitely try the 10/2 you mentioned. Nothing to lose.