
Responses from analogluvr

Clearaudio Innovation Wood or shoot for the stars Techdas AF 3
 I wouldn't go for either so I can't be much help in the table department. I would however recommend changing the cartridge And the phonostage. I find the Benz to be a bit fat and have never loved the audio research stuff.  Just my opinion and wha... 
Would you use an Ortofon A90 on a Jelco tonearm?
 I just find that you often read of ridiculous  statements like my Denon 103 sounds great on my Infiniti black widow. Well not to say it doesn't sound acceptable but it would sound a heck of a lot better on a fr64.  So I agree that there may be ou... 
LP's... Do they sound better now than 30 yrs ago?
Chakster is bang on 
LP's... Do they sound better now than 30 yrs ago?
Chakster is bang on 
Another soundstage question
Also another poster recommended Tubes which I heartily agree with! Tubes will give you that holographic image that solid-state can never touch. 
Another soundstage question
Lowrider is bang on! I have a pair of Tannoy Berkeley's that are very low speakers. I rake them back a bit and sitting about 6 feet away I can get a termendous Soundstage, height wise as well. Now obviously Tannoy's image and stage a little better... 
Hana SH vs ortafon 2m Black
 The budgie SUT is great value! It is virtually the exact same thing as Bob's devices that retails for about three times the price.  
Cartridge under $600 for VAC VPI HW
Chakster  I am with you 100%. I see that attitude prevalent in all of Audio. Everybody thinks because it's new and modern it must be good. It's just ridiculous what manufacturers are charging for some of these circuits that are 60  years old but i... 
recommendations of phono preamps < $3000 range
I had  four of them at the same time to compare in my system. The aesthetics Rea signature with a premium tube set, the Herron, the zesto and a cheap antique sound labs. First was the herron. Everything was just right. Second was the zesto. Very n... 
Cartridge Suggestion Requested
An ortofon per windfeld sounds like just the ticket for you. It is the same sound as the black but waay more refined and better bass. I used to have a black as well. Disclaimer: I do have a used per windfeld up at a great price.  
Would you use an Ortofon A90 on a Jelco tonearm?
 I find the compliance matching to be of the greatest importance as far as arm cartridge  synergy. Unfortunately it seems that many people do not pay that much attention to that.  
Tannoy Westminster amp matching question.
 I have had Tannoy Yorkminster's, Tannoy golds, Tannoy Sterling and Tannoy 383 sixes.  The best amp I found for them out of the ones I've tried is Sophia 845. I found 300 B to be short on power on all but the 3836s as they are 99 DB efficient. I h... 
Disappointed w/ Klipsch Heresy III. Now what?
Bang on Johnny!!!  The only speakers I bought unheard were a pair of klipsch cornwalls.  When I got them I thought they were broken. No low bass and very little mid bass.  
Would you use an Ortofon A90 on a Jelco tonearm?
Windfeld is very very good but not a match for either of my 2 arms. I'm sticking with a vdh colibri and a Lyra helikon.  
Would you use an Ortofon A90 on a Jelco tonearm?
I found the Benz sound to be a little fat for my system and liking.   Tried 2 of them one was the gold and the other the reference. Reference was supposed to be quite good