
Responses from analogluvr

Thing of upgrading the Soundsmith Carmen II
 Keep in mind that some of these records have sibilance on them. Some cartridges are much more revealing and show up what's on the record more clearly. I have a van den hul  that is like that.  I had a lira Deloz for about five years before I real... 
Cartridges: Complete Scam?
 I think you chose very good cartridge. In my opinion I have always liked much less loading then the manufacturers recommendations. Loading is very much personal preference.   If I were you I would try it without any loading at all just run direct... 
Replace 2M Black or new phono?
 Out of the cartridges that you listed I would go for the OC nine. However as a previous poster has already mentioned I don't believe it will work well with your Tonearm.  
Why don't amplifier Companies use high end fuses?
Thank god for almarg!  A voice  of reason in the wilderness of insanity on this thread.  
Horn based loudspeakers why the controversy?
Boy unsound really  doesn't have a clue, does he?  
Phono Stage Recommendation $3000
 I heard the Herron and an aesthetics Rea signature side-by-side and the herron Was significantly better.  
Phono Stage Recommendation $3000
What Almarg said.  I do it with a fidelity research SUT that has three inputs of its own. I plug it into the MM stage so in total I have four inputs. And my vote is for the Herron. I highly doubt that in ahead to head competition the Parasound wou... 
Horn based loudspeakers why the controversy?
 Also just regarding atmospheres comments about SET amps and distortion. It's true that they have higher distortion when they are run at anywhere near the rated power but they also have vanishing low distortion if they are run at about 10% of full... 
Horn based loudspeakers why the controversy?
 Just regarding the OP's a post I think Horns are really polarizing because they are like a microscope on the entire chain that lies before them. So if there's anything bad in the chain it really really highlights it. But if everything is good and... 
Horn based loudspeakers why the controversy?
 Yes many of the horns are not damped well enough including a lot of the vintage stuff. The pair of vitavox that I keep going on about were mounted in a wooden box with Sand poured around them. He said that made a big difference and took away some... 
Horn based loudspeakers why the controversy?
Kosst  it's all a matter of mathematics. Thanks it in these terms. You have a speaker that is 100 db efficient.  The source music goes from 10 DB to 30DB.  You multiply the two numbers together to get your final levels.  You are going from 1000 to... 
Horn based loudspeakers why the controversy?
 Everybody has horror stories about hearing horn's. I remember the first time I went to addition a pair of model nineteens. The owner had them hooked up to a solid-state Mac and proceeded to turn them up so they were playing at about 120 DB steady... 
Horn based loudspeakers why the controversy?
 You cannot get the same dynamic range with inefficient speakers. You can apply as much power as you want but you will not get as great a range between the quiet and the loud as you will with a more efficient speaker. That is why typically efficie... 
Amplification for Wilson Audio Sasha on the cheap
 If I had a current hungry speaker and wanted to get decent results without remortgaging the house I would get a Sunfire load invariant amp.  I have never owned any Wilson's though and probably never will. I typically wouldn't go for speakers that... 
Soundstage and explosive dynamics?
Kosst you say "at the cost of focussed dispersion".    I find it odd that you regard that as a negative. I myself and plenty of others that I know regard that as one of the positives of a horn. That way you get less unwanted room interactions.   D...