Responses from agrippa
SUT's -Looking for one with some meat on the bones @mckinneymike: given the corroborating evidence from twoleftears I have no choice but to retract my tentative conclusion. I have to it makes me want to hunt down a set of D7s, just so I can later say that I once heard an anaemic-sounding pair of S... | |
SUT's -Looking for one with some meat on the bones While I’ve never heard the D7s specifically I’ve heard a good few Spendor models, but never one with "threadbare" upper mids and lower highs or lacking meat on the bones, as this is where Spendor generally really shines.I’m very tempted to blame t... | |
Best tonearm under $2k I'd suggest having a look at a Thomas Schick 12" or 9.6" (available in the US @ $2000 I see). On my Nottingham it performs superbly with low compliance cartridges and should work very well indeed with both the Denon and the Soundsmith.It's very m... | |
High output MC cartridges The only HOMC cartridge I’ve ever particularly enjoyed was the Benz H2. However, compared to it’s own low output sibling it rather fell through.If the money were mine and for some reason I didn’t want to buy a SUT and an LOMC instead, I’d much rat... | |
Whest Phono Stages To my ears the Whest PS.40RDT SE and Tom Evans Mastergroove are without a doubt the two best solid state phono stages I’ve ever heard, and I’ve heard a good few. The differences between the former and the regular PS.40RDT are almost vanishingly sm... | |
Turntable/Tonearm choices "Happy and finished searching"Ah yes; if only I had a Dollar, Pound or Euro for every time I heard or read an audiophile say words to that effect..... Usually as a precursor to said item turning up in the classifieds a few weeks or months later.I ... | |
Turntable/Tonearm choices Of those 3 choices, the Kuzma combo is faaar and away the better choice. The Stabi R is a superb turntable and the 4Point is one of the best arms available regardless of price. Combine them and you won't find anything objectively and verifiably ... | |
Phono cartridge suggestions sought If you do decide to go with the purchase of a new MC cartridge, be sure to listen to an Audio-Technica ART9. To my ears it is as good as any cartridge I've heard, owned or currently own, which includes cartridges up to 13-14 times its price. | |
Air Tight PC-1 Coda and more options to upgrade my analog setup Still, open to feedback and suggestions. In terms of a potential change of turntable, my suggestion would be to listen to a high mass design . If at all possible side by side with a different design. Whether or not you'll find it preferable is ... | |
Air Tight PC-1 Coda and more options to upgrade my analog setup The Onyx Platinum is a great cartridge; I had one on loan for a couple of weeks and it sounded lovely. I wouldn't personally pick it over a PC-1, but that's entirely subjective of course.What isn't, is that it's both heavy (12.5g) and stiff (comp... | |
Air Tight PC-1 Coda and more options to upgrade my analog setup I'm not sure where this fear of fussiness comes from, or in what sense a Rega set-up is less fussy than many, many others. Sure, you can certainly put together a vinyl rig which is very fussy indeed, but conversely there are any number of combina... | |
Air Tight PC-1 Coda and more options to upgrade my analog setup If you are completely set on a low mass turntable and know that's what you prefer, then by all means wait for the new Regas. However, the new Regas will be no different from the old Regas, in that they will have the exact same philosophy and like... | |
Air Tight PC-1 Coda and more options to upgrade my analog setup I’d like to echo these opinions: I wouldn’t put an $8500 cartridge on a Rega the cartridges you are considering are not a proper match to your tonearm Rega tonearms are not a great match with low compliance MC cartridges, and the lack of easy VT... | |
Best step-up between a Kondo M7 and a Lyra Skala The Kondo, S.a. Lab and Auditorium units all have different specs and the cartridge will see different impedances, so of course each will sound different from the others. That has little to do with either unit being "better" than another (particu... | |
Anyone use auto lifters? Opinions Tru-Lift appears to be the exact same thing as the Audio Technica AT6006R though, only at twice the price. |