
Responses from agrippa

Any experience with Tannoy loudspeakers?
My Legacy Eatons place the performers right in my living room and provide a sense of presence and engagement like few other speakers I've ever heard and none anywhere near them in price.  Powered by a Luxman L-550AXII the bass is both ample and ph... 
Luxman L-509X for ATC SCM 19v2/40v2, thinking integrated to start with
I’m unsure if you misunderstood me or not....You mentioned in the OP that you " like to listen to music at low to normal levels " and I merely pointed out that in order to achieve engaging and dynamic sound at low sound levels speakers with such a... 
Yamaha SACD players
The Yamaha CD-S2100 sounds great and is built like a tank.  Great choice for CD and SACD both.  Then again, after auditioning it and the Denon DCD-2500NE some months ago, I ended up with the latter.  The race was very close, but for me the Denon ... 
Luxman L-509X for ATC SCM 19v2/40v2, thinking integrated to start with
With a sensitivity of 85dB your current speakers will never sound properly alive at low volume.  That's just the nature of low-sensitivity speakers.  Been there, tried it (with an array of different amps) and failed utterly.The only way to achieve... 
Vinyl Sleeves and Jackets
I replace plain paper inners with poly/paper, be it MoFi or something else.  I've never understood the upside of MoFi sleeves over regular, decent quality poly/paper sleeves however.Outer sleeves I've never used.  My oldest records (35+ years) can... 
What is the best sound system you ever heard?
Alchemist The Pre & The Mono (x 2) amplification, Alchemist Forseti CD transport & DAC, Nottingham Analogue Mentor turntable, Ruark Excalibur speakers.That was 20 or so years ago of course, so how it would sound today I don’t know. Still, ... 
Vinyl heresy-overhang induced distortion is not that important
Is this actually a controversial point of view?  I don't think I know anyone who thinks that ultra-precise overhang alignment isn't pretty much the least critical of all factors involved in getting one's vinyl set-up sounding as good as possible. 
Micro Seiki MA-505 variants - any oracles around?
Indeed, I'm sceptical too.  Fortunately I don't particularly care and in any case I'm unlikely to ever find out unless the arm turns out to be defective and needs to be disassembled.Mine will by necessity be mounted on a Spacedeck, but presumably ... 
Cartridge for Symphonic music .
" @agrippa is incorrect; the Art-9 does NOT have a Shibata stylus. "Quite right, I managed to mix the ART9 up with a different cart.  Happens quite frequently I'm afraid....Fortunately the remainder of the post stands. 
Micro Seiki MA-505 variants - any oracles around?
Wonderful stuff br3098, thank you so much for taking the time to write it all down!I recently picked up an MA-505X, seemingly in mint condition (time will tell I guess) at a relatively reasonable price, but wasn't entirely sure exactly what I ... 
Cartridge for Symphonic music .
I’ve owned a good few cartridges with Shibata styluses, but have never experienced any sibilance issues with either. My strong suspicion would be that any such are rooted either in the recording or the set-up rather than in the shape of the stylus... 
Nottingham Spacedeck vs Rega Planar 8 vs Technics SL1200G
If an MM is what you want, then the Audio-Technica AT-150Sa is a steal @ $340 from LP Gear. Recently discontinued, it is in most respects the same as the current VM750SH. For my money one of the best MM cartridges around and the only one I current... 
Nottingham Spacedeck vs Rega Planar 8 vs Technics SL1200G
" Putting different arm on Nottingham will throw the whole thing off the balance if the match is not right, it is a complicated endeavor to try a few other arms. "This is, with all due respect, utter nonsense. Matching is a non-issue, beyond findi... 
Nottingham Spacedeck vs Rega Planar 8 vs Technics SL1200G
Nottingham's tonearms are widely regarded as not being on the same level as their turntables.  Personally I don't particularly like them and chose a Jelco SA-750E instead.  The old line of Jelco arms are excellent performers and still easily avail... 
Nottingham Spacedeck vs Rega Planar 8 vs Technics SL1200G
What ^(s)he^ said. To my mind there’s no reason to ever upgrade a Spacedeck unless you’re absolutely swimming in money and don’t know what to do with it all.However: there’s no guarantee that *any* turntable will compete with a decent DAC or CD pl...