
Responses from agrippa

MC cartridge loading: still baffled
While I agree with your conclusion, the number of falsehoods being stated on various forums as facts are as numerous as the grains of sand on a decently sized beach. 
12-1/2" arm. NewArtVinyl Black Bird. Yea or Nay?
Knowing roughly 7 russian words, my main take away is that "Tanz mit Max Greger" must be the preferred audiophile test record in Russia....I find the design and look of the arm very appealing, but I wouldn’t be willing to blow a grand on it withou... 
First Moving Coil (MC) Cartridge Acquisition
I am looking for recommendations in the $1K rangeIn my opinion, in that range the Audio-Technica ART9 is an absolute no-brainer.In my system it plays as well as my VdH Colibri XGP, Benz Ebony TR and Allnic Puritas and when I've brought it along w... 
What is wrong with audiophiles?
For maybe the first 10-15 years of my audiophile "career" I heard differences between anything and everything. Cable lifters, signal cables, speaker cables, power cables, isolation devices, that green CD pen, you name it. I heard the differences a... 
Advantages of owning equipment from major audio brands vs. boutique shops?
There’s a lot to like about boutique companies, but one major downside: you don’t know if they’ll survive or not. I’ve owned a number of boutique devices myself, but I would never, ever want to be an early adopter. I prefer others to do the beta t... 
An Epiphany
I'd have to say that's exactly as expected. 
MM Cartridge for music on the heavier side
A friend of mine is the same persuasion and swears by the Goldring 1042. Personally I don’t touch the hard stuff, but I own a 1042 too and can attest to its virtues when playing other genres. I’d also choose it over the 2M Black, but that could ju... 
Grading phono cartridges Part 2.
What absolute drivel.50 turntables, 60-70 tonearms and 921 cartridges (including those in the other thread) over 10-12 years? It takes me weeks to properly evaluate a cartridge (since I also need to eat, drink, sleep, read, watch a bit of TV, work... 
Deciding on new TT and either a Zephyr MIMC vs an Audio Technica ART9
Zero experience with Soundsmith except for their re-tip/rebuild service (which is excellent), but I own an ART9 and love it to bits.It is anything but " lean hifi sounding" in my system; rather it is full-bodied with excellent resolution and deep ... 
Looking for Wagner recommendations
No, because that profoundly evil Wagner did more than Hitler himself in paving the the way that murdered 7 million innocent men , women and children . No accident he loved Wagner . I'm unsure if this is some kind of perverted joke, or if you'r... 
First, Fix Your Skull
If your ears stick out from your head, you will hear much different from someone with closer to the head ears. This is why there is disagreement among people about what sounds "good." Well, it's one reason among many and not likely to be the gr... 
Looking for Wagner recommendations
Why?  Because you like Puccini and you don't like Wagner? 
Worth the $$ to upgrade my tonearm?
My first thought is that if you’re happy with how it currently sounds, forget the arm and buy more records.I don’t know the RB220, except that it is Rega’s cheapest offering. The old 300 was a perfectly decent performer and presumably the same is ... 
RIP Marie Fredriksson of Roxette
Very, very sad.  Not at all my kind of music, but her talents were undeniable and by all accounts she was a really nice gal. 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Mozart: Die Zauberflöte, Ferenc Fricsay 1955.David Bowie: Blackstar