
Responses from aball

Survey-What is your most used source?
CD: 75%, LP: 0%, Sirius: 15%, FM: 10%, MP3: 0%Arthur 
If the tubes light up, it isn't the thermistor. Everything will be off if the thermistor is dead.There are many capacitors in there and I bet many people wouldn't replace all of them like I did. Look at the caps and see if they look like originals... 
A hard look at the effect of cables
Ngjockey makes some great points. I don't believe the article was meant to blame cables but rather highlight the complex interaction of the system due to the cable's connection - and that the cables themselves also contribute to the overall effect... 
McIntosh MC275 vs Bat VK-60: Anyone compared?
Rgurney's comparison is very interesting but one important detail was left out: price. The 150SE cost $17,000 and the 275 monos cost $7,800. I would certainly hope the BATs are better for that much more money!Arthur 
Moving away from tubes. Is this a good idea?
The Cayin 88T is NOT autobiasing. The Cayin 70T IS autobiasing. They are different models so don't confuse them.Arthur 
Moving away from tubes. Is this a good idea?
You don't need to worry so much about tubes. Just enjoy their wonderful sound. The Cayin 70T is INCREDIBLE for the money. My neighbor has one and I've heard it with several speakers and it sounds knockout in every way and it autobiasing so there i... 
I've had the Rega Apollo and it is is very good but lacks some bass which you may or may not like. I've had a dozen others but that is the only one on your list except for the one I own now: Audio Aero Prima mk2. I love my Prima. It isn't analytic... 
What are your favorite music genres?
Great thread!Gosh, I don't even know where to start. My collection is all over the map and I don't have any overall favorites. What I listen to depends on my mood at that moment and nothing else. I like electronic a lot like Fischerspooner, The Fa... 
sound quality from CD to CD
Quality varies from CD to CD, LP to LP, SACD to SACD, etc. That is just the way it is. Once the stereo has enough resolution, this will all become noticible - as you're finding out. The trick is to find the right balance of virtues that allow you ... 
Philosophy used in assembling your system?
Let the room dictate the speakers, let the speakers dictate the amp, get a very detailed source, and choose the preamp according to the type of sound and features you want. Setting up the speakers to work with the room is critical. Screw up here a... 
Tube CD Players other than Jolida
I've had a JD100 but my Audio Aero Prima Mk2 is much better - more resolution, better pace and timing, larger soundstage, and definitely better macrodynamics. Both make music but the Prima makes it in a much more interesting and enteraining way. I... 
McIntosh MC275 vs Bat VK-60: Anyone compared?
I have a MC240 that was used for about 30 years on a routine basis. It never even went to the Mc Clinics and still was running without a hitch. Then it sat for 10 years before I got it. I powered it up with a variac and used it for 3 months withou... 
the paradox of accurate speakers
That's easy: There is no such thing as absolute accuracy. At the very least, there will be aberrations from a microphone and the recording system that will separate the live music from the reproduced music. Then each playback system will add its o... 
Cable Elevators
I bought 4 nice, soft, chunky erasers for $4.00 at a craft store to elevate my cables. They eliminated the vibrations I could feel with my hand on the cables. In any case, problem solved for basically no cost or worry. Arthur 
Electrolytic capacitors
4 or 5 years is no problem. 8 or 9 of zero use is starting to get to where you should worry a little. Over 20 you need to consider replacement. This is my experience as an EE.There are thousands of capacitors for sale at Newark and Digikey that ha...