
Responses from aball

Heard my friend's system, thinking of leaving hifi
Soliloquy 6.2 in a 20x30 foot room is your problem. You need bass to create a soundstage and that will change everything. If you are on a tight budget, try getting a sub first. They are very flexible for adjustment, you won't have to get rid of yo... 
Least sensative speaker to placement
I have experience with integrating MBLs into a room and it sure isn't as easy as it might seem. We had a lot of difficulty getting the imaging right. But now they sound great.The Klipschorn idea might work for you - they are designed to be placed ... 
Looking at tubes ...
For me, it is the sound of tubes that is really the treat. I can't live without them.Arthur 
Heard my friend's system, thinking of leaving hifi
Lacking bottom end changes everything - for the worse IMO. I think a big part of what you heard was due to that. Also, I know your speakers and never really cared for them all that much. Everything seems dedicated to the midrange - which is excell... 
Listening for tube degradation
I bought a restored and calibrated Superior TV12. While I agree that a "bad" tube can sound good (I've had this happen several times), the part that worries me are leaks and shorts - and for that, a tube tester can test very well and reliably. But... 
Vandersteen 5a vs. B&W 802D vs. Maggie 3.6 vs.?
Another vote for you to stick with Vandersteen. The B&W will probably not be to your liking in the top end - they can be bright, although McIntosh amps are about as good as I have ever heard on B&Ws. But I still think 5As would suit your t... 
Life span of internal SS amp parts
I agree with the others. The hotter it runs, the shorter the life span. Capacitors are generally the first things to show signs of wear but they can still work suboptimally, whereas transistors just die when they reach the end of their life. But a... 
Listening for tube degradation
What I have noticed is that the sound does get a little muddy (or fuzzy) and you get less gain. This latter one is how I ended up confirming it - I had to turn the volume up higher for the same loudness. Since my preamp has a numerical volume disp... 
Inexpensive integrated to drive Klipsch
With those speakers, I would go with tubes all the way. A Jolida or Consonance tube amp would be a great match. The Consonance M100 Plus is incredible for the money - a bit better than the Jolida 202 IMO. Cayin T30 would also be a good bet althoug... 
MC-225,preamp choices
I would recommend a McIntosh C42. I have one mated to my MC240 and have owned a dozen other preamps before settling on this one.Compared to the (restored) MX110 I had in my system, the C42 has better dynamics, better transparency, deeper bass, wit... 
Are Sound Waves Able To Penetrate Canvas Painting?
I have been using canvas art to tweak first reflections for many years. It does seem to do "something" beneficial. As to whether it is good in absolute terms, I'm not sure. But I can tell the imaging is not as good without the paintings, and that ... 
Difference between McIntosh MR65 and MR65B
Looks like you can tell by the tube compliments. See here:http://www.roger-russell.com/tuners.htmArthur 
Duevel Planets - comments?
I setup a 2-channel system last month that uses Planets. My neighbors were so smitten by my stereo that they commissioned me to put a stereo together for them! Their house is open-floor-plan style so their living room is a large space (about 37x22... 
Need help Cary CD-308 or Naim CD5i
I haven't heard the Cary but the 777ES is fantastic in nearly every way. I really thought of replacing my AA Prima mk2 with one but in the end, the AA won for me. However, the 777ES is a real detail and resolution machine with superlative dynamics... 
Radiohead: In Rainbows -- Vinyl or CD?
If you want it to last forever and don't want any extraneous noises, get the CD. :)Arthur