Do powercords make a difference in sound?

Do they make a difference by upgrading stock power cords in amps, ect versus aftermarket power cords? If so, can anyone advise a good bang for the buck upgrade?
Another thought strikes me; is it possible, Liguy, that you have been comparing/using power cords which are somewhat similar in characteristics? i.e. Aftermarket 14 total gauge with stranded conductors, vs. your 12 total Ga. with stranded conductors?

The reason I ask is that if the power cords you have been comparing have similar characteristics, then it is very likely that you would have a difficult time hearing differences between them. I can see a situation in which you replaced a stock power cord with a Home Depot DIY and found little difference. However, I would submit that this is not the best test of power cords, and that there are many more options available. i.e. A PC with 9 or 10 tot. Ga., or one with silver OFC conductors, etc. You would perhaps find it interesting to try a Wireworld lower end PC with silver coated prongs on the plug.

Maybe you have compared a wide variety of PCs but if not, then this is perhaps a legitimate reason why you are not hearing differences! I have conducted comparisons between PCs which sounded very similar and they were in fact similar in construction/design. That may be part of the answer to our disagreement. :)
From Wikipedia:
The high-end audio cable industry markets oxygen-free copper as having enhanced conductivity or other electrical properties that are significantly advantageous to audio signal transmission. However, conductivity specifications for common C11000 Electrolytic-Tough-Pitch (ETP) and higher-cost C10200 Oxygen-Free (OF) coppers are identical.[8] Much more expensive C10100, a highly refined copper with silver impurities removed and oxygen reduced to 0.0005%, has only a one percent increase in conductivity rating, insignificant in audio applications.[8] OFC is nevertheless valued by audiophiles for both audio and video signals in audio playback systems and home cinema.
Doug: I can't help but notice you've name-dropped Wireworld cords a couple of times. One of the cords that I tried and got rid of the quickest was their Silver Electra III+ (or some such). Didn't dig it on anything, despite its maybe having been the most expensive cord to pass through here. OTOH, a local Agonner of my acquaintance once bought one of my preferred cords based on my liking it, but didn't feel the same and wound up selling it to me! So I think IMO & YMMV are clearly the watchwords here...
Douglas_schroeder stated:

Another thought strikes me; is it possible, Liguy, that you have been comparing/using power cords which are somewhat similar in characteristics? i.e. Aftermarket 14 total gauge with stranded conductors, vs. your 12 total Ga. with stranded conductors?


That IS an interesting thought. I am an open minded guy. My next club meeting is near the end of the month so maybe I can borrow some different cords from some members and have a listen and report back.
Liguy, well, count me as one of the most interested in your findings! :) I always distinguish between noticeable differences and efficacious differences. It's one thing for an effect to be noticeable, but another to be efficacious, that is "worth it" in terms of meritorious for an upgrade. So, when you do your comparisons, for the argument underway I'm interested in noticeable differences, not whether you feel it's "worth it", which adds another layer of subjectivity.

I'm beginning to think I've hit upon the culprit in the great "Power Supply Mystery," as you seem to have heard various power cords make a difference in other systems. It's not a hearing acuity issue. Also, you have not heard a difference in your rig, but that would stand to reason if the power cords (perhaps only the stock cord and your Home Depot cord were used?) employed by you were largely the same.

Yes, I will be quite interested to hear about this. I love discussions like this, where there is mental "jousting" but without rancor and with an open mind, as you demonstrate.

Zaikesman, your thought allows me to address what might be considered name dropping. It was not my intent; I was referencing the cables I used in comparison. I could have done the same with Magnan Cables, Jenna Labs, Clarity Cables, or any number of cables I've used/reviewed (WARNING! Major Name Dropping! ;0 ) I have never done a formal review of Audioquest cables, but I have mentioned them several times in trials/comparisons I've held with them over the years because they happened to be used in significant trials/breakthroughs in my learning process.

I've conducted dozens upon dozens of listening comparisons, and when one example seems suitable for my argument I select it. I believe I could reference illustrations regarding different aspects of cable use from any of the brands I've used; i.e. conductor material, geometry, total gauge, dielectric, terminations, etc. I'm not trying to make any definitive statement about the merits of brands in this thread, merely illustrating my logic. Frankly, I'm trying not to push my preference in that regard. I don't know that it's possible to avoid the appearance of name dropping when using real examples, but the fact that I'm not making statements about the performance in relation to other cables should help in that regard. I've written enough about them that people should get the feel for my assessment of cables I've used.