Seeking turntable upgrade advice

My current table is a Scoutmaster with JMW9 sig tonearm and all the typical VPI upgrades; my cartridge is a Dynavector XV-1s.

I have been considering an SME table (and possibly a SME V arm) but I like the concept of adjusting VTA on the fly. Between that and wanting to use a Mint tractor (I understand SME arms complicate the measurements required to get a Mint), I decided to get a Tri-planar arm instead.

So, what’s a good table to go with a Tri-planar and XV-1s? Would an SME still be a good candidate? What about an Amazon Reference? Anything else?

Thanks in advance.
I have corresponded with you on your table many times. I have the SSM Ref and I still think VPIs offer a lot for the money but I too am on the upgrade path and have narrowed my choices to the Galibier Stelvio and the TW Acustic Raven AC-3. I also plan to get the Tri-Planar and possibly the XV1s. Either table would work well with that arm and cartridge. TW has recently released a new reference table (Black Night)which features arms boards that allow VTA to be adjusted on the fly. Although it's $40,000 price tag puts it out of the range I can justify, this armboard will be available for the downstream tables as well at some point. I'm not sure VTA on the fly is a feature I really need so I'm also very intrigued by the Galibier line.
I'll be auditioning both brands in the coming months and I guess I'd recommend looking into them if you haven't. I see-saw back and forth between the two depending on the day. Currently I'm leaning Galibier's way again but hopefully auditioning will clear this all up.
I hear you've also recently purchased a Doshi preamp which is another upgrade I'm looking at. I've also long been intrigued by the Allnic products(esp. now that Albert Porter is digging them compared to much more expensive pieces he's had).
So it seems we're moving in similar directions although you did choose the Sophias over the 5As. I, for one, will be interested in what you find. Keep us all posted.
Riley804: You're absolutely right. I had a ton of issues when I first got into analog. It wasn't just related to my TT though - my first cartridge was whacky as was my Rhea (which had to be repaired). For a long while I wasn't happy, but over time I've learned a fair amount and lately I've been enjoying analog a lot; I just feel I'm not getting the full benefit of my cartridge with the arm I have.

Sonofjim: I hear the 5As often as a friend of mine has a pair. I adore them to be honest - they just wouldn't work out for me in my room (I move my speakers between HT and 2 channel mode and the 5As aren't conducive to that. I am very happy with the Sophia's as a compromise. I recently switched to the latest line of Pass amps and am very happy with them (XA 100.5's).

I did try to purchase a Galibier but finally gave up (I think Thom is just too busy). I too am interested in TW, and while I have yet to locate a dealer for them, I have a hunch they may be out of my budget. I recently visited a friend who had an SME setup and it sounded wonderful. I didn't know analog could be that quiet.

In any case, I'm looking to find a good table that I get my hands on sometime soon (as opposed to 6 months from now).

Regarding the Doshi: it's an impressive unit, but not for me. Mine is now for sale.
Go with a Galibier, you won't regret it.
Yes, you'll have to wait, but it's worth every penny (and minute of wait!).
Any particular price range you want to stick around? The SME tables are great. If you want adjustable VTA, go with a Tri Planar or Graham on the SME.

We first met because your system was unable to reproduce full harmonics without distortion (as Riley804 obviously remembered). I assumed you wanted to reduce the distortions while retaining the harmonics. Sorry if I misunderstood.

As you said, we demonstrated during your visit that there are no serious harmonic distortions from your present vinyl rig. Nor are there any with Nick's preamp, as you know from hearing ours (best DSOTM you've ever heard, or so you said).

Your last email indicated you're still hearing the same distortions, and the harmonic capabilities of the Alaap have highlighted them if anything. Since the problem's not with your source components or preamp, it's presumably with amps, speakers or room. However, if a simpler, cleaned up sound is more appealing than working on those, then almost any SS preamp will provide it. If you want a really good one, Raul's Essential 3160 is the best I've heard (though in fairness there are many I haven't).

Regarding a new rig, the SME arms would be well aligned with the above strategy, because they're less transparent to harmonics than the TriPlanar, Graham Phantom or a Schroeder. A very damp arm like a IV or V should pass fewer harmonics to be distorted elsewhere in the system and provide a cleaner, more manageable sound.

As for VTA on-the-fly, if your system isn't geared to the full reproduction of harmonics it's doubtful you'll get much benefit. With any good cartridge (including your XV-1S), the main effect of varying VTA/SRA is to properly integrate the fundamental of a note with its harmonics. If a system reproduces fewer harmonics, altering VTA has less effect. Given the goals I summarized above, I wouldn't place on-the-fly VTA anywhere near the top of the list of needs in a tonearm.

As for turntables, the SME and Raven are both fine choices. Pretty hard to go wrong with either one. Buy whichever one you like the looks/price of and which is available in your time frame. SME table/arm synergy and the chance to work with a single dealer might tip the balance.

Hope it works out,