
Discussions madfloyd has started

Doshi Alaap owners...27391
Listening habits and LP storage688918
Berkeley Alpha vs Weiss 202 vs Ayre QB9 vs ?2101123
Long XLR's: PAD Venustas versus Mogami1537735
Skipping on last track consistently26365
Revel Salon2 vs Wilson Sasha3366123
Magico Q3's at Goodwin's High End6805199
Removing power conditioner...1863526
Anyone try the new Parasound Phono Stage?548110
50' speaker or 50' interconnect?446112
Resolution Audio Cantata92709
What is the 'BAT sound'?47649
BAT VK-600 vs Pass XA100.52383330
Interested in Focal Scala Utopias1507628
Classics Clarity Vinyl3045019