Coda #8, Pass XA25, or Schiit Tyr to replace PS Audio M700

I recently upgraded my power amp from a Nakamichi PA7Aii to PS Audio M700 monoblocks.  I honestly expected to flip the M700 pair quickly because I did not think they would be better than the PA7Aii.  The M700s actually provide a wider and more detailed soundstage.  I sold the Nak.

I listen (often passively) for several hours each day.  I began to identify a 'shrill' on the high end.  Since I had upgraded my DAC (DirectStream Mk1) I initially thought that could be it.  I rotated three DACs through the system (DS, N130, and Eversolo DMP-A6).  All of them had the shrill.  I then put in an old NAD 7600 and the shrill went away along with a lot of the detail.  Put the M700 back in and used the EQ from the DMP-A6 streamer to limit extreme high end.  Ended up with a -1 Q starting at 19,500 Hz that solved the shrill, but also muddied the high end detail.  I don't trust the EQ a lot and figure more is being impacted than the targeted range.

This led me to consider upgrading the M700 pair.  I have a  pair of Acoustat 1+1 speakers with low sensitivity efficiency (81 to 86 depending on who the source is) with a pair of Rythmik F12SE subs and an active crossover at 100 Hz controlled by the SPL Crossover.  My budget is around $6K.

Looked at the Pass XA25.  Not certain there is enough power there although a Pass representative encouraged my to try it.  I was hoping to get two used and use them as mono blocks.  

The Schiit Tyr has been on my short list for awhile (prior to buying the M700).  The Schiit AI tool actually stated the Tyr was not a good match and suggested other Schiit amps.  This seemed strange to me.  I sent an email to Schiit seeking clarification, but have not heard back.  I may go to there store in LA this week to talk to someone live.  

The Coda #8 came up as an option as I was exploring.  I looked at other Coda used products, but #8 seems to match up best. (Well, the #16 matched up best, but was more than double my budget).  I will go take a look at it later this week.  Not a mono block but could work.

I am essentially seeking the last 1-2% of the detail the Acoustats can provide.  Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

One final note.  I am not interested in tube power amps.  I don't like the fussiness of tubes and the Acoustats seem to pick up the hum from tubes. I know it shouldn't happen with their sensitivity, but I notice it.  It could be my prejudice, but please no tube suggestions.


I second the VanAlstine amps....Great sound, Great Frank........


Before you give up on the M700s consider my experience with my LA4 and M700s which are in my end game system.

I have found the M700s to be very finicky and only perform best if they are getting the very best power. Otherwise they will sound thin/shrill. It is not the amps fault.

1. At first I plugged them into my Furman Elite 15PFi amplifier outlets which have current reserves for audio peaks. They were pushing the Furman past its performance specs and the amps let me know.

2. Next I plugged the amps into a PS Audio Ultimate Outlet, no longer available, with a Signal Cable Magic Power Cord and lived with it for many months even though it was pushing the UO to the limits of its performance. I was very happy the way this sounded not knowing better awaited.

3. When I realized I had an extra Audio Quest IEC 3US Power Cable Adapter, $40, I substituted it for the UO. Everything relaxed and beautiful tonality emerged along with all the sonic describers being enhanced.

Let me describe my setup as you may find something in the "thrifty" department to try:

1. Whole house surge protector > PS Audio wall outlet>

Signal Cable > AQ adapter > SC > M700 > MIT 2 Biwire > Carver AL III+ speakers.

2. Same wall outlet > SC > Furman > LA4 > Kimber Kable Hero XLR > M700.

The sound is sweet and transparent and wide and deep and Oh so involving.

Don't forget mechanical isolation under the M700s. I use 6 hockey pucks in stacks of 2 sitting on the chassis of each amp!

I'm a little worried your symptoms are that of an untreated room.  An amp with excellent high frequency extension may sound shrill if you have only reflective surfaces, or your speakers are toed in too much.  A number of excellent speakers need a lot less toe-in that audiophiles tend to use, and speakers too close to side walls may also sound far too shrill and bright.

We are a Krell and Coda dealer


the krell xd amps are very liquid and we have a demo of the 300 xd and 175 as well as the coda so we can answer any questions you might have


Dave and Troy

Audio intellect NJ

Coda and Krell dealers


erik_squires I value your posts.  I often skip to see your thoughts on various questions here on audiogon.

However, the shrill on occurs with the M700s.  It did not happen with the Nakamichi and two different NAD units.  I did move the M700s to the TV room (AV room for the aficionados) and run it with the 3D Acoustics and the same shrill was apparent.  Totally different room (20'Wx12'Dx10'H).  The test was completed as a 2.0.  

The M700 did expose me to an improved soundstage and detail versus the Nak and the two NAD I currently have.  So, I am looking for a new power amp that will not have the shrill at the high end and will hopefully improve on the soundstage and detail the M700s present.