Accuphase Experiences

In my search for a new amp I recently a look at Accuphase. I’ve watch numerous demonstration videos to get a sense of their sound characteristics and I find them very appealing especially when directly compared to Luxman and MacIntosh. They tend to be on the slightly warm side of neutral with a very life like beautiful mid range, a smooth extended treble and a tight but not overwhelming bass. In fact bass is the only region where they are a light but not by much and only in comparison to other amps that excel in this range. But the area they excel for me is soundstage. It’s very wide and depth is very good but not like tubes. Also instrument separation is excellent . The whole presentation appears real and expansive. I liked it so much I’m going to drive 90 minutes to a dealer that has several models to demo. Hopefully next week. I really want to hear the P-4600 amp and the e4000 integrated. 

So has anyone had any experiences with Accuphase?  I would love to hear you opinions and experiences. 


With good flat response headphones and a good DAC you can get a very good sense of a component’s sound characteristics on YouTube.  You have to listen at a slightly elevated volume. Some demos sound terrible but there are a lot of excellent examples. An in comparison demos with the same track you can easily toggle between components. works particularly good for amps which have very slight and unique differences

I have owned the E-380 integrated for a couple of years and have similar impressions on the sound characteristics many have noted. Quality of the build is excellent and the price is getting better for US customers I understand so it would be a excellent foundation for a quality system.

Funny how some words can capture a sound signature quite accurately, I agree with the polite quality mentioned, there is an understated nature to the sound but it is far from dull. I think that perception is in part due to the balance of many qualities and a really black background. I live in a condo so need to show some restraint in the decibel department, but when you turn up the volume the dynamic qualities present in no uncertain terms and never appear strained.

I am not sure what you will be pairing it with, synergy is no small issue, but a great choice to build or evolve many a system IMO.


Audio group of Denmark class D amps will be outdated in a couple of years. Unless there is an upgrade plan. I do not know if that is offered. 

We all know Accuphase excels Luxman, Resale value holds ground. Hope your audition goes well!!
Additionally every system will sound different per set up and room acoustics. I think your steps of choosing what works best is a wise move towards whatever you choose to purchase. 

Best luck!! 

I will be auditioning the Bryston 4b3 Monday and the Accuphase P-4600 on Wednesday. I did find out the you can run the e4000 or e5000 Integrated amps as an amp bypassing the entire pre amp section by using the XLR power amp inputs. 

I will report back on my auditioning experience. 

I think what so far has impressed me about Accuphase is their natural sound that can be listened to at any volume. As you increase the volume the overall character stays the same. I like that. 


Your ears do not deceive, as you nailed the characteristics of Accuphase. Specifically, their CD/SACD players exhibit a rich, golden tone (if this is your preference). Have a fun time with your audition. Afterwards, post the Dealer and experience. Enjoy the Music!


Happy Listening!