Throw it out!

I just discovered a technique that will save a lot of aggravation.  When I find a record that is not satisfying me sound-wise (or sometimes musically,) I dispose of it or relegate it to the inactive file.  Rather than having it available in my collection to aggravate me, it gives me great satisfaction to get rid of it!


What if you change tor mind?  I have had many bad first listens to recordings, only to revise an opinion on subsequent hearing.  Sometimes it was the mood I was in on the first hearing.  Other times, in Classical Music, I can be imprinted by my initial acquaintance with a given piece, and at first hearing just dismiss an alternative but equally valid approach as just plain’wrong’, and then reverse that judgement upon rehearing.

I am fortunate to have a New/Used store near by. I have found that some of my "losers" generate enough value to pick up something new (or used, but new to me). The ones that are just plain crap are donated to Salvation Army and end up next to Montovani's Christmas Music 1964

When I was young and listened to mostly rock, I would have thrown out any jazz music, today I would do the opposite. Thankfully I have kept everything in case of another "polar inversion".

Please post the list of unwanted items. I like BAD music. I can arrange shipping as well. 

For example: I was extremely annoyed by collection of Guns and Roses records. They're all now birthday gifts pretty-much.