Integrated amplifier for Fritz Speakers

Hi All,

I started a discussion about "Monitors for 14 x 20 Room" back last November. There was a lot of good advice and Fritz Speakers kept being positively mentioned.

At the time, I thought WAF would be low for a larger sized monitor. Now I think I have the stage set for Fritz speakers and am thinking either new Carreras or Carbons. 

I would prefer an integrated amp because it is one less piece of equipment io place in in a constrained space.

I would also prefer solid state to solid state, in order to have this system as problem free as possible.

Your ideas and suggestions, please 








I am surprised he said that about the 120 SET amp. It is a 60wpc amplifier with a passive attenuator. It seems to me based on your OP that it would be a good candidate for your needs. 

@mesch I am surprised he said that about the 120 SET amp

His remark was in the context of me currently using an Axiom II passive with the speakers, which Fritz felt was a pretty good passive. He was thinking the passive in the 120 SET would get me where I wanted to go...which is to eliminate the "sterile" sound of the current setup. 

I suppose that the SET 120 would be a definite step up from the Niles amp I am currently using with the Axiom.

My problem is that I do not understand the sound signature of the SET 120. Is it forward or laid-back, warm or cool, detailed or not, dynamic of not, etc.

I am looking for a bit warm and liquid.


The SET 120 amp and Control Amp along with the SET 400 would fall into the warm and liquid with good bass category.  I have a friend that used the Control amp with Carrera's for several years and then used it as an amp only with a Supratek preamp.  I used the SET 400 for several years with Carrera's.  As the SET 120 Control amp is nothing but the amp module and a passive preamp in one box if you wanted to keep using your Axiom no reason the SET 120 amp shouldn't work plus you have a 30 day money back to work with.  

@dsper have you decided on the Carerra or Carbon ?

I ask because I've used some of the same Scanspeak drivers in a few speakers I built, and upgraded, similar to the Fritz Carbon 7 SE MK 2. Warm, full body, nice.

The AVA SET 120 control amp and this speaker could be a nice combination for you.  I've studied Frank's amps quite a bit, his design, mosfets he uses, and this particular amplifier . You might ask Fritz about this again too, I think he recommended a similar combo. Return policy options on both make it low risk and possibly fun to try fwtw.  I like this idea. Might be a nice little system, best of luck.   


I use the Carbon 6s in my bedroom system. My integrated amp makes 5 Watts/channel. I don't run it out of gas and the system plays as loud as I want. Images float easily in space; the speakers are very good at imaging and detail. Not bad in the bass range either. I run a sub below 45Hz.