Focal Sopra 1 Bookshelves (with subs) or Focal Kanta 2s towers instead?

I am having trouble deciding between Sopra 1 speakers and the Kanta 2 towers by Focal. I heard them both in the store using a MacIntosh 12000. I currently have a Yamaha AS-3200 amp but I will eventually be buying the MacIntosh 12000 also. All new equipment and not used.


The room these will live in is about 300 square feet... like a 13 x 26 foot shoe box design. The room is untreated and I do not plan on treating the room or using room correction software. I have no interest in that.


I love the imaging and separation of the Sopra 1s. But I also love the warmth and low mids that the Kanta 2 speakers give. If I was to get the Sopra 1s, I would get 2 REL 510 subs with it.


Any opinions, please on if I should get the Sopra 1s or Kanta 2s?


Side note: I am not considering anything else... I like Focal/McIntosh set up I heard at the store and sticking with it.


Thanks! This is my living room (please see link below for photo). I will be replacing the speakers you see with the green arrows. I typically listen to the music on the couch where you see the X. I know it’s not the ideal position for a audiophile, but it suits me good. Because of the acoustics of the room, I can still get a good holographic image sitting there.

The focal speakers will be replacing the Sonus Faber Lumina II speakers.

I listen to all music types:
1) Jazz (Luxman class A amp)

2) Electronic dance music (Yamaha 3200 amp)

3) 90s pop and alternative (like Dinosaur JR which is guitar music) (Yamaha 3200 amp).

4) Colombian music (Luxman class A amp)

5) Classical music (Yamaha 3200 amp).

Electronic dance music and 90’s pop/alternative music is what I listen to the majority of the time.

Please let me know what you think. Also, just a reminder please it has to be between these 2 focal speakers sets. I am not looking at any other brands.

link to photo


Kanta if sticking with that room configuration and placement, Sopra if you're willing to move them next to the TV.  

Are you saying you run two amps today?  

I have 2 amps... Luxman 595 Class A and Yamaha 3200. I run them separately, never at the same time. I switch out the plugs on my Sonus Faber speakers and plug the amp I am in the mood for. 

I'm a big fan of small speakers plus a sub generally speaking.  The issue IMHO is how well the mid-woofer handles the upper octaves.  Listen carefully to voices and horns and decide based on that.

Luxman and Focal is a pretty nice combo....I'd try that before pulling the trigger on the MA12000.  Not saying you won't enjoy it more, simply that I would do speakers then amp.  Good luck.