Testing Ethernet switch

If you have bought an "audio" Ethernet switch, don't bother with this thread 

If you question Ethernet switches, here is one test of one brand. 

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"Hans said he had no idea what it could be, but he THINKS he heard it. 

One more time, an extra ordinary claim needs extra ordinary proof."

Not even close.  He has reviewed a number of network switches and filters and found significant differences.  It's not something "he thinks he heard".  To quote the latest video on the subject, "there should not be a difference between an audiophile switch or network filter being in place, or not.  But there is.  There CLEARLY is."

As I said in POST ONE, if you are a believer, this thread is not for you. It is for those who do not understand the technology to be able to make up their own mind."   


🤣🤣🤣.  All post one did was announce you as a troll.

Not flat out impossible. You stated earlier in this thread “that (noise) should be handled by the client”. 

Ideally yes. In practice? Perhaps no.

I have offered more evidence of the possibility of why things sound different than you have offered proof of the impossibility of such. We both have beliefs supported by anecdotal evidence - neither of us have solid proof. I acknowledge that. You do not. You are beholden to dogma as much as any of us, but lack the self awareness to acknowledge as much. 

And I can’t help but go back to the notion that you have accused ALL makers of such devices of devious, dishonest practices. This is a claim you cannot (or have not to date) back up with facts, though you keep repeating the same idea that measured noise is irrelevant. Nor are you even willing - by your own admission - to investigate further as quoted below: 

“If ANY obscure possibility existed for what is claimed, yes I would try one. I await said evidence.”

I have offered exactly that. Exactly. You have declined and accused all manufacturers of such devices to be scammers. 

Perhaps you have been trolling us and i fell for it. No more. As you can’t add to the discussion or knowledge base, I’m out.