Synergistic element copper good for power amp?

I am looking for a pair of cable for my monoblocks.  Are the Synergistic research Element Copper good for that application?  I think usually people recommend a thicker cable for high current equipment like power amps, and the Element Copper doesn’t seem to be design for that purpose.  Does anyone use the Element Copper on power amps can comment on your experience?


I highly recommend looking at the Audio Quest Hurricane. Over the last couple years there has been a lot of buzz in the community around them. I had been trying to find the right power cord for my amps for nearly a year… being frustrated at each trial. Cardas of any caliber was a touch too warm and Transparent, WireWorld, DHLabs… etc. added some detail but lost some bass. Finally my dealer brought over a Hurricane, my search was over nearly instantly. They added detail, lowered the noise floor ever so slightly and added a bit of power to the bass without tipping the tonal balance at all. The best power cord I have ever heard. I suspect they are better for a number of reasons… one obvious one is incredibly tight fitting connectors. 

A must try. Even if it is a bit above your price range… once you hear it, it may become inside your price range. It is that good.

I have an Audioquest Thunder power cable the best improvement in sound was with the DAC and steamer