
Discussions gte357s has started

Synergistic element copper good for power amp?177617
Balanced Power Technology BPT3.5 running very hot131313
Making DC power cable with 3 wires13255
Add a Linear power supply or iFi SPDIF Purifier2?482127
Naim Unitiserve Music server upgrade suggestion10674
Is rectifier tube arcing a problem?624162
Coincident Statement Line Stage vs Jadis JP80MC vs EAR 868PL vs Aesthetic Janus399620
DC meter on power amp134213
Modwright LS100 vs The followings990339
Other Rectifier tubes Alternative for 5AR4949915
preamp upgrade suggestion around $2000299130
How to choose step up transformers?704016
How to check for blown Or fired speaker?7855
What tube preamp to go with McIntosh MC275?1190510
JBL 43xx va Harbeth 40.x795625