dac and streamer or seperates

Want to spend about 5k

System right now is a Krell S-300  love it!

B&W 804's  love them too

Well treated medium sized room.

but I'm using the built in streamer and dac.  

I would like to take my streaming to the next level.

At 5k would you go separate DAC and Separate Streamer or all in one?


Separate DAC and Streamer. From my experience after using a bunch now your better off getting a decent streamer you like the software for and an excellent DAC. Streamer software seems to be one of the issues I've run across some are good some not so good. I've done the Optimized dedicated PC, Roon nucleus and Aurender A10 I've sold all of them and bought a great DAC and now going back to a dedicated streamer. Every Streamer DAC I've tried was inferior to separates and not really any easier, ease of use boils down to the software / App. Aurender was ok not great, Roon nucleus software was good but didn't sound all that good, IMO of course. DAC's have the greatest effect to the sound, streamer is just a computer with software that should be easy to use etc. Streamers do effect sound but not nearly as much as the DAC.   


If you’re looking for a wide/deep soundstage, then I do think you’ll be rewarded by investing in a streamer at least comparable to your DAC - and perhaps a better one. Again - my experience only but more spatial information is what a better source brought my DACs. All DACs are at least partially limited/constrained by their source - even the most expensive ones. 

Lots of good suggestions here as to what equipment to try so I won’t add to the list. But, I will reiterate that an audition is a must and be sure you audition with cables (analog interconnects from your DAC to preamp and digital cables from your source to DAC) in your budget as they can make a significant difference too. I wouldn’t have believed digital cables were that important if I hadn’t heard it directly. Some digital connections (i.e. spdif vs USB) are more sensitive to this than others.

The general consensus is that Qobuz sounds better than Tidal. That certainly is my experience and a free trial will give you direct experience. With respect to catalogs, there is a huge amount of overlap in the titles they offer though my impression is that Tidal might be a bit deeper in pop and R&B. I personally listen more to classical, jazz, folk and indie so I may be incorrect as to catalog depth today. 

Lastly, I would suggest that Roon is excellent (unequaled) for exploring new music and artists. But, for many of us, it doesn’t sound as good as the music library software native to many of the streamers you’ll be looking at. Some disagree with this, but I’m not sure if those skeptics have actually done the comparisons that many of us have. And I’m sure it’s at least somewhat equipment dependent. On my gear, Roon operated beautifully, but sounded flat in comparison. Since the native library management was still quite good, I was comfortable dropping my subscription to Roon. 

We look forward to updates as you go.



Thank you so much for all the info!  i will definitely try Qobuz!  Completely understand that good cables are needed!  Any brand you recommend? 

I recently purchased a Cary Audio DMS 700, which replaced an Auralic Aries G1 and Benchmark DAC3 HGC. I find the Cary to have a more 'analog' sound, lovely. Very well built. I am surprised to never see Cary's components on this site...