Digitally recorded vinyl vs streaming

I know this is an hot button for many, but here goes... I like vinyl and have many albums from the 60's, 70's and 80's.  I'm interested in some 80's and 90's albums - like U2, REM, Nirvana,  but I wonder if they will sound any better than streaming since they were probably recored digitally.


In my experience, where I have both the digital and digitally engineered LP’s to compare, I almost always prefer the LP’s recorded digitally vs the digital file.

“I have a McIntosh tube amp, and a VPI table.  For Streaming I have a Bluesound Vault.”
Based on your preference for Vinyl and given your investment in digital, stick with spinning Vinyl. 

I really like the Blu app, easy to use and I can stream Tidal.  It also holds my entire CD collection.  Having said that, I have considered upgrading.  I listened to a Rose rs150 ($5000), but it didn't sound 4 times better than the Bluesound Vault.

It is about the value you place on better sound quality. I find each time you double (or better) the investment (a well researched and chosen upgrade), I get a “wow… that sounds better” to me. That makes me very satisfied and happy.  So, on all my components, I have gone from ~$500 -> $1,000 -> $2K -> $5K -> $10K -> $20K over the last fifty years. Each has been incredibly satisfying and worthwhile. I could not be happier. Lots of people would have stopped at the first purchase and called everyone that went further a fool. 

So, it is what makes you happy. I told you what makes me happy. If the market does well, maybe I have time to go to the next level. But if not I enjoy my system for three hours a day and am happy I did it.

One of the topics that will never go away...

Hear an LP that is recorded/transferred on a nice setup, the file should sound identical to the LP.

Most of the Rock/Alt Rock from the 80/90's and beyond is digitally recorded. I would imagine the quality of the digital file/transfer(Digital to analog)  for the "stamper" used pressing the LP would come in the question?

What sounds "better" or more "convincing" then, is the playback rig and the final subjective call from the ears?