Digitally recorded vinyl vs streaming

I know this is an hot button for many, but here goes... I like vinyl and have many albums from the 60's, 70's and 80's.  I'm interested in some 80's and 90's albums - like U2, REM, Nirvana,  but I wonder if they will sound any better than streaming since they were probably recored digitally.


Showing 6 responses by mojo771

I have a McIntosh tube amp, and a VPI table.  For Streaming I have a Bluesound Vault.  But my question is, on a nice or a very nice system, will vinyl recoreded in the 90's be any better than the streaming since the song was originally recorded digitally before being pressed to vinyl?


I see a couple of suggestions for DACs above, but I have not seen them at the places I shop - Audio Advice / Upscale Audio / Crutchfield so I am stuck at this point.  

Can I get more suggestions on a streamer? 

The only upgraded DAC / streamer I've listened to is the Rose rs150.  It says it has a better DAC but it also seems to really promote its large beautiful screen, which I don't really care about.  MAny other DACs I've reserched refer to them being a pre-amp, but I have a nice McIntosh integrated amp and don't want a new pre-amp, I just want to listen to a better streamer and see if its better.

I have upgraded cables/power supply/ethernet cables, so I feel like I'm ready to test drive a new streamer.  Thanks for all the suggestions.


I really like the Blu app, easy to use and I can stream Tidal.  It also holds my entire CD collection.  Having said that, I have considered upgrading.  I listened to a Rose rs150 ($5000), but it didn't sound 4 times better than the Bluesound Vault.

Clearthinker, I actually meant, and thought I said, that the 80's and 90's were probably digital.  I know the 60's and 70's were not.


I actually am keeping both formats.  I love the convenience of streaming though and its allowed me to sample albums I may not have listened to otherwise.  I've found soome I really like from the nineties but I just didn't know if it made sense to buy it since it was recorded digitally. 

I'm still considering the hifi Rose rs150, but it seems from the posts above that I may not get the sound I'm seeking unless I go to the 10k range.  And many posts have said I need a better DAC while others have said I just need a better streamer.  So I'm still researing and trying to understand the gear.