Fee for home audition

I am in the market for a music server/streamer. I was discussing with one of the authorized dealers for a streamer. He had a demo unit and was willing to bring to my home for an hour and let me try. He is located around 10-15 minutes from my home. He wants to charge 5% for home demo. Is this the industry standard? I am not meaning to disparage anyone so not going to name the dealer. I am just trying to see what the standard practice is. 


While there is no standard, that’s a new one for me. We don’t have any hifi store around here that would bring a streamer to my house, so I can hear it on my home system and then take it back and have to sell the device as an open box and not for the new price.

No standard. But that is strange.


How much does it cost? If it is a $20K streamer or a $1K streamer… it makes a difference. One hour isn’t a long time.


My dealer brings stuff to my house for free. He leaves it there for weeks. But this is stuff in the $20K range and I have known him for twenty years.


This is the type of dealer who won't be in business for too long!! Move on, and find a dealer who wants to earn your business. As consumers, we vote with our pocketbooks. 

Imagine going to Gelson's deli and asking for a taste and the person behind the counter says, "There's a 5% fee for tasting." If that doesn't make sense, then doing the same for a home demo shouldn't either.

All the best,

Yeah no go for me. Also once you do that you’ve pretty much nixed any negotiating power you might have had. Is it a Bluesound level component or a muli thousand dollar one?