What is the current retail cost of your reference system?

It would be interesting to share this as I am not sure some of us understand how decisions are made within the framework of cost and resolution. Please avoid used prices as that muddys the water significantly. Also cabling costs would be revealing as well if willing to share. 


~$150K. About $25K in cabling and interconnects.


But built over a period of over forty years of upgrades every seven years or so. Most audiophile do this as few are well healed enough as youngsters to go out and buy what they want.




126 posts


A lot of people on here are spending way too much money on equipment

That’s not really for you to say, now is it?



My main system (CDs, ripped files and streaming) about $15K, including $2K for cables. A second system (streaming only) about $4500 including $500 for cables.

@ozzy62 of course it is. 

it is one of the most selfish way to spend money and time.  This post proves it. It is a self-serving, genitals comparing thread with pretty much 0 purpose. Who cares? In most countries you cannot legally make and save this much money (let's say 5 figures) that you then can spend on shiny gadgets. It is enraging on so many levels.

But, we are privileged in the US and we love music, so why not? You can be enraged about the injustices of the World and indulge yourself in the same time.