What is the current retail cost of your reference system?

It would be interesting to share this as I am not sure some of us understand how decisions are made within the framework of cost and resolution. Please avoid used prices as that muddys the water significantly. Also cabling costs would be revealing as well if willing to share. 


Showing 9 responses by grislybutter


mine is somewhere around 6K (new prices) for the one in my living room.


@ozzy62 of course it is. 

it is one of the most selfish way to spend money and time.  This post proves it. It is a self-serving, genitals comparing thread with pretty much 0 purpose. Who cares? In most countries you cannot legally make and save this much money (let's say 5 figures) that you then can spend on shiny gadgets. It is enraging on so many levels.

But, we are privileged in the US and we love music, so why not? You can be enraged about the injustices of the World and indulge yourself in the same time. 




there is something unpleasant to sickening the way people write about their several times 100K systems in this thread. Like they have to show off, compensate for something, rushing to making the point that they are super rich. And it gets worse on their system pictures, showing the tackiest furniture, ugly kitchens (with 0 relevance to their system) and power amps more expensive than any car I ever bought. You can say how much it cost without being a creep

"Point is, why do we judge people for the amount of money they spend on their hobby?"

I judge people when they are jerks. Not when they disclose how much money they spent on X.

Here is my "favorite" quote: "But I didn’t buy a boat"

meaning the dude thinks he is so modest by depriving himself of a boat, he deserves his 100K rig. I know many of you don’t understand the audacity (hint: 97.6% of the people can afford to pay even the docking fees) which is exactly the point.

If you have the money, you do whatever you want with it. When you justify (again your money, don’t need justify it) it with BS or your explanation is just pure insensitive bragging, it might make you look like a unpleasant human being.


Sounds lovely! If only...

I am physically at the furthest possible location in the mainland US, San Diego.