I can't believe this.

I have had a Tascam recorder in for warranty repair since October. They claim they are backlogged and have no idea when they can look at it. They claim they are still trying to fix equipment that came in last summer.

But here is the thing that grinds me. They want, " I think they may be able to do a priority service for you, however as I mentioned, most of our service centers that do provide priority service have a fee for it".

This seems like bribery to me.



Warranty work/claims are not like other services like shipping or airline seat selection. Both those are services you go into knowing there is a fee schedule,,, it will not be free. Warranty work is included and advertised as part of the product you purchase. There should NEVER be a fee scale/structure after purchase to something you already purchased. When you purchase a product with warranty, the inclusion of warranty service is a part of the deal.


Your being screwed.

Theoretically, one could wait forever if not paying the extra and individuals kept jumping the line by paying the premium. Never heard of this with audio repair before, ridiculous.

That is a horrible way to do business.  I agree with @grannyring, get your equipment out of there.  

Well, I live in Michigan and the Tascam unit is now at a repair facility in California.

It cost me $50 to get it out of the first repair center, another $50 to ship it to Ca.

It would probably cost another $50 for them ship it back unrepaired, and I doubt if even then it would be shipped back anytime soon.

Best I can do I guess at this point is to let others know what I’m going through to avoid Tascam at least for repairs or warranty work.
