The Right Speaker Cables

Looking to try new speaker cables. I just tried a pair of Nordost Superflatline cables in place of my Blue Jean Cables. I found the Nordost more detailed which i loved but they didn't have the fullness that Bue Jean provides me. I find the Nordost having a leaner sound. My price range at this moment is around $500 for the pair. Suggestions on other cables I could try.

My System:  Amp - Parasound A21+, Preamp - Parasound P6, Phono Amp - Parasound JC 3 Jr, Turntable - MOFI Studiodeck with Ultra Cartridge, Streamer - Bluesound Vault 2i, Speakers - GoldenEar Triton One.R


In the last year I build a new no 1 sound system with Raidho X3 and upgraded another one with Q Concept 500. In the process, I tried various speaker AND power cords. The latter have a big influence on the sound balance, i.e more or less open . Here are my findings for power cords. I will talk about speaker after


Audioquest NRG, Blizzard and Dragon: sowhwhat darker sound

Luna Mauve:  also dark, but with a lot of oumph in the bass. More solid low bass.

DR Red Fire Ultra: great highs , cristal clear, but thinner bass, less free flowing.

Siltech Classic:  Bingo the ideal solution: higs as good as DR and strong bass like Luna.

Same conclusions on both systems.


Speaker wires now:

For the Raidhos, I tried Transparent Super and Luna Red. The latter is kind of smoother, more liquid or organic sound. I kept those.

For the Q concepts, I got Tranaparent Ultra, biterminated to replace the Supers. I was stunned by the difference. Suddenly I had the feeling to be in the mixing room of a friend's studio years ago, listenning to a band playing in the studio , the sound going from the microphones to the mixing table to the monitor speakers. Wow. These cable brought me closer to the sound of live music , a lot.

My advice: experiment, borrow cables and try them. You will learn a lot and have fun doing it. There is no better cable. You just need to find a good match.

I bought, and currently run 16 strand cables from GR Researech. A little bit on the large diameter side, but flexible, and feed through my Dynaudio Contour S 1.4 stands without any trouble. I have no desire to replace them. Length dependning, could be under your budget. You can buy them assembled, or DIY.

The silversmith Fidelium speaker cables are excellent. There is a no obligation free trial. Google for reviews 

contact me and I will send you out a custom made set of speaker cables that will outperform everything mentioned above to try in your system.  No cost for the shipping.

Happy Listening.

@sgunther @derfman66 

I have the Triton 1.r and use the Silversmith Fidelium cables with them, if you can stretch your budget to them you will be done. You won't need to consider future upgrade paths. They will astonish you.