Audiolab 6000CDT

Does anyone own this CD player? Interested in your input, I may purchase this in the near future.


My entire system took a giant leap forward with one change...

I have Emerald Physics 3.4 OB speakers all components were in a Solid Steel vertical rack for 2+ decades, but have long thought about replacing it and going horizontal, thinking the tallish vertical rack was screwing with the sound stage. The opportunity finally arrived early this week, as I was able to pick up a sold maple table top (5 x 2 x 2") locally. OMG the improvement in overall sound is so much more organic and 3 D then it ever was in the rack. This of course affects my 6000 CDT. Now I am aware that owners of the 6000 moved up to the Pro-ject RS2-T and report how much better it is, and I don't doubt it, but going horizontal on solid maple is for me a giant leap in enjoyment


It’s an excellent transport. I bought mine about a year ago and feed into my MHDT Orchid DAC. I have a Wireworld Supernova 7 Toslink connecting them together.

I've used the Cambridge Audio DacMagic 200M and the Wyred4Sound Remedy Reclocker with my 6000 CDT for over a year, and I'm still impressed. To my old ears it sounds a little closer to 3-D sound than what I had in my budget system before the upgrade. It's especially noticeable to me whenever I play Disc 4 of the Miles Davis Seven Steps box. Mort Fega's introduction and the audience applause prior to Autumn Leaves creates a fairly credible illusion of being there in the concert hall. And once Davis and the band start to play, it gets even better. Every CD I've played so far has been improved tremendously, no matter what style of music it is. Not bad for an investment of around $1500.

I have 2 systems in my house, and have the 6000CDT on both with a high quality DAC. The sound quality is amazing. 

I also have one and as a transport it outperforms both my Oppo 203 but have no idea how it compares with the more expensive transports like Jays. When talking with the dealer he said the the CDT 6000 was noticeably better than the Cambridge transport. Have also heard but the Rega has some reliability issues but again no direct experience. Also worth pointing out if you're not in a hurry AudioLab is on the verge of introducing a new transport at $1K and it is a tray loader rather than slot loader. The NuPrime transports are also supposed to be very good as well.