Boutique caps in oil... reliable?

Hi Everyone,

Just kind of openly curious.  On occasion I will read a post here or there that a boutique film cap which uses oil as a dielectric has leaked (i.e. failed). 

Just wondering when it comes to these high end oil impregnated (or maybe even wax!) caps what your experience has been with long term reliability.






@grannyring  Nice choice Charles! 

Thanks Bill.

i will definitely let you know my thoughts and impressions. Abbas said it requires 3 months to complete the built, but I suspect it will be a longer wait and that’s okay. His approach and attention to the analog stage, I/V conversion and power supply is methodical and each step based on much listening assessment.


Most now have oil impregnated in the paper , they still have a few with oil 

they are hermetically sealed  and seem to be fine .it was the older Audio note,

land Jensen that used to have leaking issues ,in bat gear in the past issues were the Jensen oil caps ,they are no longer made though.  Buy a Duelund copper foil oiled paper great caps ,never a issue .

@erik_squires, I've used some oil caps in x-overs without failures, but some context might be helpful as to what you application is. I've considered them for DC coupling in amps but never soldered any in that position. Fun post. Some solder most don't. Peace.

@charles1dad Fantastic and good on for 12 years with same DAC, next year will be just ten for me. I too am interested in your thoughts after listening.

Erik - I run a bevy of Russian PIO in a heavily modified MC240 for 4 years, zero issues…. 

Well my applications are in speaker crossovers as well as line level high pass filters.

Right now I am prototyping a little switch that will let me:

  1. Switch my HT preamp outs to my Luxman without my need to use the Luxman’s bypass switch
  2. High pass all signals to the Luxman amp
  3. Provide sub outs

The idea being to integrate my HT and subwoofer seamlessly with my 2 channel system. :) I will need 0.047 caps, relatively physically small so no Coke can sized caps here! :D