When using ethernet for hooking up streaming devices and dacs, what cat level of  ethernet cable should be used. Is there any sonic improvement by going to a  higher dollar cat 7 or 8 cable?


@nonoise  Curiosity. It's a hobby I like to spend money on, so I do. Doesn't change anything. You are still the fanatical one, you are still the one saying it's a problem with me (impaired hearing), doesn't matter that you can't actually back up anything you claim.


@ghasley  never said I was smarter than anyone, I have said I know this particular topic better than anyone on this site, which so far, stands to be true, and when it doesn't, I'll admit so. 

@fredrik222 Just curious why a $500 kimber digital AES/EBU cable when you can move 1s and 0s thru a $20 “professional “ “studio grade” cable just the same? Did you compare and notice an improvement with kimber orchid? Or is it just for the sake of completing the kimber cable loom. 

@audphile1 AES/EBU doesn’t have the same noise rejection , error detection and correction capabilities as Ethernet. I have said it numerous times, Ethernet is not like your other cables, digital or otherwise. I used to have a Classe SSP-800 which pcm over HDMI from the NAD50.2, but when I move to the Delta Pre I bought a Audio Sensibility AES/EBU, but decided to try the kimber, and stuck with it because I like aesthetics of it. Maybe I heard a difference between the Audio Sensibility and the Kimber, but nothing transformational. What I did hear a huge difference was when I switched to the Delta Pre from SSP-800. 

@fredrik222 , Fanatical in getting noise out of my system, yes. Brilliant observation. 

From your reply to ghasley, it looks like you're relying on the ignorance (in a good and non offensive way) of others to look smugly superior until something like the last post from rockrider came along, which mirrors what I gleaned from the link I provided on ethernet protocols and just what can limit or hinder it, which you shot down as not relevant, though it seems to have been.

You're quite the strange fellow.

All the best,