NY audio show 2022

This question addressed to audio folks-living close to NYC --- Are you going to audio show NYC September 9-10 , or you think is too small and decided to pass?


Disappointing. Bought a 2-day pass, got done in 2 hours.

They had only the low-end versions of Luxman (507xxx) and Pass Labs (XA25) - both used to present speakers (so, they were not the star of the room). Same for Audionote.

I went there to hear setups much superior to what i have at home. Not even close.

Pretty sure I visited all the rooms. 

@bache was that the room in which the lampizator was used?

No lampizatot  ,  Tub power amp by Alexus  Audio class A SAT based on 300 B and big floor stander dark blue from BacheAudio { Brooklyn}

I lived in the city all my life until I moved out east 20 years ago.  I will not go because I don't want to be pulled out of my car and beaten up, have my car stolen, or worse.  The city, under liberal leadership, has turned into a $H!T Hole.  Criminals are roaming the streets with no fear of the law.