NY audio show 2022

This question addressed to audio folks-living close to NYC --- Are you going to audio show NYC September 9-10 , or you think is too small and decided to pass?


Showing 9 responses by bache

@serjio  very interesting story.   Big Fish   spending huge money for advertising so be able to hire a ambals  

No lampizatot  ,  Tub power amp by Alexus  Audio class A SAT based on 300 B and big floor stander dark blue from BacheAudio { Brooklyn}

@steveashe Thanks Steve, we have little bit small room in New York Audio show , i bring bigger size LS sounding much more better in large room , but you have chance visited our Brooklyn spot with  better acoustic performance and spend more time .

@soix Thanks . We set two grills on both speakers, i like more how is looks with grills, but one listener ask to show the drivers , and we leave one speakers open. i disagree with some statement that grills affect to sound.