I am 100% digital using Roon.  I play from my extensive hard drive, Qobuz and Tidal.  I love to find new music using Roon Radio or Roon suggestions.  Here is my issue:  I generally find Qobuz to sound better on my system.  I do not have final unfold of MQA on my Tambaqui DAC; yet ROON always defaults to a Tidal version.

So I will search 'versions' and select the highest resolution of a Qobuz version.

Can Roon be set to default to Qobuz vs defaulting to a Tidal version?

Do others agree that Qobuz sounds better?


I listen to mostly TIDAL even though I have Qobuz. The TIDAL MY MIX feature is killer and for me both services sound good enough.

BTW - Maybe this was figured out in the posts above. When I want to filter TIDAL or Qobuz in ROON I go to MY ALBUMS and select FOCUS. Scroll to the right for STORAGE LOCATIONS and select the location(s) that you want. A very useful feature for me since I have 5 locations, including TIDAL and Qobuz.

EDIT: I seem to have misread the question. It was about defaulting to Qobuz. Though my filter approach may work. Filter first with only Qobuz and if you cannot find want you want, expand the filter to include Tidal.

Doesn't Deezer provide "bit-perfect" data?  At least at CD quality? I'd rather have CD quality that way than higher resolution files that have snake oil done to them. Is there anyway for us to know?  Has anyone with proper equipment ever done a comparison between the steaming services to find out?  We know Spotify's lossy streams are obviously NOT CD quality. I wasted all last year on their lossless service to roll out.  Ended up quitting them in February and will NEVER go back due to their lying. Do any of the others advertize "bit-perfect"? Qobuz? 

@moonwatcher Yes Qobuz supports bit-perfect. and it's high-res files 24/192 are lossless. as opposed to MQA lossy snake oil 

Now the can of worms is how do we know the 24/192 version is not a resampled 16/44 file, etc. the industry as a whole leaves a lot to be desired regarding transparency on this. 

I think some have analyzed files bought from Qobuz to show they are legit. 

too much trouble/work honestly, just enjoy! (at least Qobuz)

@kray thank you. I may have to give Qobuz a try then. Just wish there was a "Qobuz Connect" app that streamers could have. Such an app makes life much easier when you can pass off the stream.  Maybe one day...