Digital Interconnects - Which one is the BEST ??!!


i am not initially wanting to hear a brand name but more a TYPE of connection.

is Optical better than Coaxial ?  Is USB better than BNC ?   What IS BNC anyways?!     I read somewhere that a COAX input that utilizes any old RCA cable is much worse than a dedicated COAX cable - that was news to me!

After i learn these things, i will look for a good brand, but if there is a TYPE that outperforms other TYPEs i want to begin with that...

thank you for your comments


As already stated, it all depends on the output of the sending unit and the input of the receiving unit.  Different units vary in terms of which type of connector function optimally.  So yes, a first step is to read up on the two units you're planning to connect, and then try at least a couple of the different connections.

Keep in mind there are two different types of optical, Toslink and Optical Fiber. Toslink would be considered digital cable, this inferior. Optical fiber is network cable, totally different animal. Just so no one is confused.

if there is no general consensus, that is good, i keep doing whatever i am doing now.

What i was afraid of - IF I WAS TRYING TO A_B test two components, using coax on one and optical on the other - i didn't want one of the components to have an advantage that i wasn't aware of - so that it would win a close competition unfairly...

@rop45 Nope. Toslink generally used between cd transports, players, optical fiber is network cable, does same job as ethernet cable.