Cornwall IV – tube (amp) choice

I recently bought the Cornwall IVs and even while running with my old and small Rotel amp they make me pretty happy. But having listened to them plugged to a tube amp in the shop this will be the next investment. And with no proper shop around where I can compare different models and different tube types I´m depending on other people´s experiences. I know that once I have any amp here tube rolling will be the next thing to try but for now I´d like to know if someone can tell me something about different tube types or amps that work well with the Cornwall IVs (or similar sounding speakers).

Of course I´m looking for the warmth that the current amp does not provide. Also it seems that the highs are a bit too pronounced, so I´m willing to trade some of those in if it means gaining more low-mids and lows. Having said that, I´m not looking for boom, just a little more cozyness.

Some tube amps I came across:

lab12 integr4 (KT150)
Primaluna evo 300 (EL34 – I´m a bit afraid of the evo 400, 8 power tubes are a bit intimidating when it comes to rolling or exchanging broken tubes)
Willsenton R800i (300B / 805)

My desired price range is up to $3.000 but well, the primaluna are already above that limit.
As you can see I´m not afraid of chinese brands. I´m living in Europe and dependend on what´s available here.


I like what Willsenton and Line Magnetic have to offer, I have the Line Magnetic 216i . It’s a great little integrated amp. I bought mine from a dealer of LM Audio and he has given me really good service for the Chinese brand. LM Audio backs their products sold in the US, don't know about other countries.

Keep in mind that you should have around 200-300 hours on the CWs before you can accurately asses their true tonal balance.

Enjoy !!!  Great speakers.   Check out Quicksilver ‘s EL84 based integrated amp.  20 watts ..  …

What about a Rogue Cronus Magnum Integrated?  100wpc of tube power and only 4 KT120 output tubes.  The amp responds well to tube rolling.  A plus it is built in the good old USA, Pennsylvania to be exact.  I owned one for a couple of years, loved it.

I remember reading somewhere that the Cornwall IV speakers needed 300-400 hours to break in.  These are supposed to be the best sounding Cornwall's of the entire series.  Experimenting with placement may yield smoother or less sibilant highs.