recommended speaker cables and interconnects

trying to upgrade step by step my stereo system, after not dealing with it for awhile.
right now have 3 kinds of speaker cables.
old audio quest , and an old monster cables.
a bit newer Kimber cable that are too short for my current configuration.
for interconnects, one pair of MIT mi-330
and one pair of Audioquest Ruby 2.
looking to upgrade for moderate price.
can’t give a budget range cause i am not familiar with the prices .


As mentioned, Transparent has a house sound that does run a bit through their line. They have good entry level cables all the way up to stratospheric. Shunyata doesn’t quite have the range of low to high, but they too have similarities in the line. Overall, I prefer Shunyata power and speaker cables. I have a bit of a hodge-podge of interconnects each that work well with the given component. You don’t have to spend tons to get great sound, but usually there is worth when moving up a line. It is hard to recommend anything specifically as the answer really lies in the synergy of the whole setup. The only way to figure that out is to try some brands and see what you like.

Notice you received almost as many different recommendations as the number of responses you received.  What does that tell you about alignment and/or agreement between audiophiles on cables?  I will share one more recommendation similar to what you already heard from @mazian, don’t spend your money on cables, at least till you get components and speakers you are happy with.

If you believe you need new cables, then try this cable for ICs (terminate with these or these) and this speaker cable, or this speaker cable, cross-connected and terminated with these or these.  For power cables, try this with these and these connectors.  You could do the whole system without breaking the bank, leaving you plenty to spend on upgrading components and speakers.


thank everyone , it's really lot of recommendations.
i'll need to do some homework.
what do you mean by "the power cable side of things. Also the power cable from the wall to a nice power supply"/
what is the difference between the two?

After much research, I bought Audience AU24Sx RCA cables.

Best buy for me in a few years. I lent them to my cousin 6 months ago, and haven't got them back.

When I eventually upgrade my speaker cables, will go for Auditorium 23.

If you’re handy with a soldering iron consider making your own. A quality cable manufacturer like Mogami offers great options for both speaker and signal cable. A high quality set of cables can be made for much less than the high profit boutique brands. There’s more markup, hype and BS marketing in the cable industry than in any other audio related products we purchase.