Grounding cable gauge size

For those of you using external grounding source devices, units such as Entreq, Nordost, Synergistic, etc. What size wire gauge seems to work the best?



How about connecting the RA Router MkII box to a large ground box instead of connecting to a ground rod and avoid plugging onto an outlet?

@bugredmachine in checking my DAC’ s ground wiring it’s IEC ground is connected to a chassis connection and from there a ground wire connects to circuit board.  No direct wires from the chassis ground to RCA or XLR’s. Is this considered a signal ground similar to your DAC?  Thanks again.

Getting there. I still have to make the silver cables to complete this project and take it for a spin. It's been very difficult to find the time to get this completed.

The insides of my boxes are like battery plates. I made a "square" and a "tall" unit. I have silver plated (presumably silver) connections and I also put an "output" jack as well. Copper sheet and aluminum sheet with a conductive media.