Electric cars will ruin late night listening?

My system sounds best late at night. I run passive conditioners. Everyone is a sleep, no one is running stoves, microwaves, A/C is running less, the transformers are working less. 5,10,20 years from now we all have electric cars. Everyone is fast a sleep with there electric cars plugged in for there 4 to 8 hour charge every night in my neighborhood,, my city, my state. What will this do to the sonics of our system or the quality of the power coming into our homes? 




Don’t worry, some audipreneur will develop a box that will quell perceived ill effects of the "new power grid"

Their will be footer, fuses,cables and optional cryo treatment to go with it.

Gloss black finish $1000 upcharge.

Or it could be just the opposite with all the batteries in ' System ' and further improve sound quality ...