Grounding cable gauge size

For those of you using external grounding source devices, units such as Entreq, Nordost, Synergistic, etc. What size wire gauge seems to work the best?




Thank you for that attachment. I am a member of that Forum. There is noise riding on the grounds within our system.

Signal, chassis etc. grounding is still a very unknown area at this point, at least to me, this needs to be investigated further.


Man i am just in awe of those like ozzy and bugredmachine who are building their own grounding kit. 


Whenever i try to explain to a non audiophile what's this box is that I've blown all my money on, it's not long before I'm using words like 'witchcraft'


You should never try to explain this hobby to someone outside of the audiophile community. You will be branded as a nut who spends money foolishly on stupid things. I remember in the old days when I tried to talk to the regulars about my stereo, they would immediately bring up there Bose stereo...

And NEVER try to convince an EE about the electrical benefits of the power cords etc...


The best explanation you can give is a demo. So make it a good one.


I've got ingredients on the way to make one box. One lousy box. I will have to find some sources for 5 gallon buckets of minerals to build 4 or 5 more if these work out. Of course with all the Russia stuff going on, I don't dare try and buy large quantities of Shungite from there at much better prices than the health outfits who sell it at a premium in small quantities.

I'm going to set up my box with a possible drain out the back side that I could additionally take to ground. That is why I ordered the Russ Andrews unit to see how his circuit functions compared to the Groundmaster.