Grounding cable gauge size

For those of you using external grounding source devices, units such as Entreq, Nordost, Synergistic, etc. What size wire gauge seems to work the best?



Showing 10 responses by gavman

Man i am just in awe of those like ozzy and bugredmachine who are building their own grounding kit. 


Whenever i try to explain to a non audiophile what's this box is that I've blown all my money on, it's not long before I'm using words like 'witchcraft'

Hello Ozzy

In my limited experience adding Entreq cables and grounding box (Olympus Tellus) was the crossing of a major threshold, giving a bigger benefit than any other change or addition i have made.

I live somewhere very remote, there are no other buildings in my post (zip) code, and I'm the only property on my outside mains transformer. Internally i have separate spurs powering my source components with a second dedicated to power amps and my subwoofers on the general house circuit. My home has star grounding via rods driven down to reach the water table. And yet, despite all of that,  the transformation when i added the first grounding box was astounding.

All of the things Ozzy said, an opening up of the sound field, more detail, a purer emotional connection to the music, increased dynamics and significant improvements in all the all of the things my system does well, notably bass extension and slam. It's my system on a good day, everyday.


Btw this is what Entreq say regarding mains grounding:

Something to establish is that Entreq’s use of the term Ground does not directly relate to or mean ‘Primary Earth’ i.e. what you would understand as your ‘Protective Earth’ for your mains electricity. Entreq Ground Boxes are not designed to substitute or replace the protective ground found in your home. The function of the Entreq Ground Box is to present itself as an attractive destination for high frequency noise, stray voltages and the various issues induced by magnetic field effects. This pollution is littered across the system and is always present. Different systems attract, generate and produce different levels and types of noise

I would also add that I'm playing with my new Tripoint Elite box, experimenting with differing grounding philosophies; ime Entreq works best with signal grounding, Tripoint with chassis grounding. I would heartily concur that mixing analogue and digital components on the same grounding plane is a no- no, and even mixing chassis and signal grounds from the same component on a single ground plane is undesireable. This would be why both Entreq and Tripoint are going down the route of multiple, disconnected ground planes within each box; the Tripoint offers five grounding planes, as does the new Entreq box, the Olympus Hero

then why do so many otherwise sane people report that they do? This type of uninformed condescension wears very thin from those who have zero hands on experience and simply pontificate from their armchairs

I'm with you 100% on this

All that being said I would like to try a Tripoint unit someday, but they are a little costly,



Took me a year to save up for the Tripoint...


Btw your focus on grounding wires is shared by the high end forums WBF and AudioExotics in the far east. Tripoint make some upgraded ground wires, as does Dalby Audio Design,  even by WBF and AE standards they are eye- wateringly expensive; think 10 x the cost of the Entreq Ertha Atlantis. But users report that the ground wire is perhaps even more significant than the grounding box.

interesting - what type of construction are they?

Physically massive. Material varies from cable to cable. Some copper, some silver

From Tripoint’s home page, scroll down to subsection grounding cables, you can see the different materials used in respective cables

Dalby Celestial

Lee keeps his exact recipe close to his chest, much like Per Oloff of Entreq☺



This is from the Tripoint page. It refers to the one above entry level, out of four.


SIGNATURE SILVER: Pure silver cable with Oyaide spades. Signature Silver Sonic Signature: quiet, silky smooth high frequencies.

Can i pick up on something jerrybj said?


Have a Signal Ground Solution SG1 grounding box from Andrew in Scotland.

Have two of his copper grounding cables, reasonably priced.

Waiting on a Silent Point grounding box I’ve ordered.

So, having linked to some truly weapons grade audio porn and undoubted jewellery, In the interests of price balance, to say the least in full disclosure, i must say that the dealer who sold me my Tripoint is now concentrating on the SGS product range. He feels they get most of the way there, for a fraction the cost of Tripoint

Review here


Manufacturer’s website, they give some details about construction of boxes and grounding cable