RCA interconnect recommendation

Would like recommendations for interconnects for both analog and digital side to an integrated Rogue Cronus amp from a Nottingham/EAR 834P on one side and an Antelope Zodiac DAC on the other side. What should I be looking at and what kind of budget should I set. I'm thinking up to $500  for a pair but have no idea. Thanks for all advice.


Something of an update. The Acoustic Zen Matriz II arrived just before Thanksgiving and I managed to get them installed although it didn't exactly go as planned. I had initially intended to install them an the Antelope DAC - the connectors I think are too big and touching. I'll try once gain. They are installed from the phono stag to amp and because of their heft have created a fair amount of havoc with gear placement...but there they are.
My very first impression upon hearing them was an oh crap moment and out loud I stated something to the effect of: Great, now I need new speakers (Totem Hawks). What I initially heard reminded me of the B&W 305's the Totem's replaced - Bright, too bright. But this isn't true. Arriving back from the holiday, I've spent some more time listening and there is jut more of everything. More and more accurate lower register especially.
I actually didn't realize how much of a difference they have made until I switched back listening to the DAC. The gap between the antelope zodiac and the analog side is now wider -  the exact opposite of what I was hoping to accomplish. That I can eek more out of my analog side -  that is just awesome.
Finally: I don't know if this is a thing but  I keep thinking the music just sounds more at ease....not even sure I can explain it.
I'll listen some more, have another go at trying to use them on the Antelope...and see. Not at all disappointing - very surprised actually by it all.
Thanks everyone

Cool. The sound more relaxed or laid back is a thing. Remember interconnects can take a hundred or more hours to break in. Typically they will sound bright with less bass and a bit unnatural at first. As they break in they get more natural sounding, less bright. Also good interconnects typically will make the biggest difference on the lower standard signal (Phonostage), but of course will have large impacts on all components.

Thanks ghdprentice. I think what I am also hearing is the difference between good,  really good recordings and not so good recordings. Playing some jazz tonight - all Blue Note series. Dexter Gordon's One Flight Up has always sounded superb, as does Cannonball Adderley's "Know What I Mean" and they sound even better now. Art Blakey's Just Cool'n never sounded especially great - and the gap is wider now.
the good, the bad and the ugly........truth I guess.


glad to hear you like the Zens! I’ve used many different interconnects throughout the years after selling the AZ matrix II and silver II years ago and recently came back to Acoustic Zen once again. They just let the music flow.


One of the attributes of components and of a system which I found really really difficult to manage is adding too much highlighted detail so one’s system brings out flaws. High lighted detail can be very rewarding when listening to your system but gets in the way of listening to music. I got a pretty good handle on it about 20 years ago when I had a system I called my “reference system”. The difference in venue and mastering techniques were in my face… I enjoyed getting lost in the space” of a symphony hall, but it got in the way of falling into the music. This was not an ear bleed system at all. But poor recordings were emphasized as poor recordings.

I found that reading through professional reviews I could actually figure out if the component was going to enhance or detract from this tendency. Over the time since when I have upgraded components my system has improved detail and nuance and lot it’s unnatural emphasis highlighting detail. So all recordings sound better. It took me thirty years to figure this out and how to manage it. But it has been very worthwhile.

Hopefully, this is useful for you to think about. But, the good news, I think, is that the difference you describe sounds like new cables, and if interconnects have only a couple dozen hours on them, making bad albums sound worse will probably go away as the break in.


This attribute in combination with the desire to enhance rhythm and pace is what component by component led me to Audio Reseach tubed equipment. The music first with the detail in realistic and natural emphasis.