RCA interconnect recommendation

Would like recommendations for interconnects for both analog and digital side to an integrated Rogue Cronus amp from a Nottingham/EAR 834P on one side and an Antelope Zodiac DAC on the other side. What should I be looking at and what kind of budget should I set. I'm thinking up to $500  for a pair but have no idea. Thanks for all advice.


Showing 17 responses by smaarch1

Thanks @stuartk871, I understand this and thank you for the Audio Art reference. I was unaware of them. Regards

Thanks but I'm confused.
some of my components are not over 5k but many are at or close and above.
Is this just an arbitrary rule you apply or does it come from somewhere important? I thank you for your answer but I'd like some thing a bit more directly related to my gear and objective. But thanks


Thanks everyone.

I have what I think are a decent set from the phono stage. Don’t recall what they are. Last night I switched them out to the digital side and yes there was a noticeable difference..

As for not believing how I could not know about cables: I’ve put this system together over a relatively short period if time. I’ve been reading about cables ever since and my eyes glaze over.

To antigrunge2: tonearm is wired with fine silver angel hair. It’s an Nottingham 12" Anna arm with a Lyra cart.

The idea that there’s a different cable for digital side and analog is exactly what’s on my mind.




ghdprentice and miller carbon much appreciate your time and everyone else's who wrote their thoughts.
I think I'm a fair to good listener. It's a curious problem of "you don't know until you know" sort of thing. I hear immediate and subtle differences.
Where am I in this? Well I'm closing on a year in putting this system together and I could stop here. I'm pleased with it and I've learned an awful lot.
Yes I understand about making changes slowly in order to evaluate.
I'm very pleased with my TT, cart and phono stage. Hope to have them here for a long time. Maybe I'll try rolling some tubes in the EAR but I don't have a reason at the moment. Maybe a Boston acoustics carbon mat? this is likely.
If I had to guess the future, I could see a different amp arrangement in the future and also speakers but I'm not there yet.

Does anyone have experience with the cable company lending library? And is it worth a try?

@pedroeb kind of a funny subject
do you think car sales are any different and yet we all seem to "mostly" navigate thru that nonsense.
I'll stick to engineering is engineering

@audphile1 thanks for the suggestions of the acoustic zen cables. I’m following this up. It all makes sense.
@audioguy85 yea my analog side is British and it sounds great...even have a set of B&W’s in a closet. The rest is pure American, if we’re waving flags.
@ghdprentice thanks it’s been an awesome journey.
@soix How am I suppose to answer this? Okay let’s see. I want to hear more of everything. I’m pleased with my analog and digital and could easily stop .Well maybe not. This gear in my digital side is new to me and a vast improvement. I am enjoying the Antelope Zodiac a lot. When it arrived I listened to only the Antelope for a week and it is good. Then I played a good recording of the same on my Nottingham. The Nottingham as air and dynamics. The Antelope has very good detail. I’m fairly impressed with both and while I am listening to much more digital these days (convenience), my TT is very often just stunning. I’d like to see if interconnects can help with the digital side
For what it’s worth the current interconnects were made for me. They are Mogami 2528 cable with Neutrik RCA connectors - not very expensive but appear well made. I’ll thank you in advance for your input.

Well I couldn't find any teflon coat hangers or astroglide so I bought a pair of Acoustic Zen Matrix Reference II cables this morning
Thanks @audiophile1 

 @soix thanks I like this recomendation. It will be a fun learning experience.
@safebelayer sound thoughts - thanks
@kellyp assuming you are asking about input impedance on the amp line in?
Thanks evveryone


More excellent advice - Thanks @gary_c
I’m going to hold on The Cable Company for now but you’ve given me what I need to understand how it works.
There was some thought earlier which brought me to the AZ cables and the suggestion was to use the Matriz on the phono side and the Silver on the Dac side. Something about this advice sounds right. Let’s see what happens.
In the meantime a simple switch last week of a cheap interconnect and a less cheap one (mogami cable) between sides most definitely reveals a difference and it isn’t subtle.

Thanks ghdprentice. I think what I am also hearing is the difference between good,  really good recordings and not so good recordings. Playing some jazz tonight - all Blue Note series. Dexter Gordon's One Flight Up has always sounded superb, as does Cannonball Adderley's "Know What I Mean" and they sound even better now. Art Blakey's Just Cool'n never sounded especially great - and the gap is wider now.
the good, the bad and the ugly........truth I guess.

Something of an update. The Acoustic Zen Matriz II arrived just before Thanksgiving and I managed to get them installed although it didn't exactly go as planned. I had initially intended to install them an the Antelope DAC - the connectors I think are too big and touching. I'll try once gain. They are installed from the phono stag to amp and because of their heft have created a fair amount of havoc with gear placement...but there they are.
My very first impression upon hearing them was an oh crap moment and out loud I stated something to the effect of: Great, now I need new speakers (Totem Hawks). What I initially heard reminded me of the B&W 305's the Totem's replaced - Bright, too bright. But this isn't true. Arriving back from the holiday, I've spent some more time listening and there is jut more of everything. More and more accurate lower register especially.
I actually didn't realize how much of a difference they have made until I switched back listening to the DAC. The gap between the antelope zodiac and the analog side is now wider -  the exact opposite of what I was hoping to accomplish. That I can eek more out of my analog side -  that is just awesome.
Finally: I don't know if this is a thing but  I keep thinking the music just sounds more at ease....not even sure I can explain it.
I'll listen some more, have another go at trying to use them on the Antelope...and see. Not at all disappointing - very surprised actually by it all.
Thanks everyone

@decooney  Thanks - no sidetrack at all. Yes I briefly played with a few tubes, in fact I have box sitting here of matched tubes - gold lions, rca's and a few others. I tried a reissued Mullard in the preamp spot and it was awful - not listenable actually....tried it again with the same result. I swapped out the JJ tube for a tungsol and I've been pleased with it. I'll get back to the tube thing eventually.
@ghdprentice  Thanks also -  I'll need to reread your post and think about it some more. Generally understand what you are saying - need to wrap my head around it.
@audphile1 thanks for the suggestion that drove me hear - much appreciated

@fastfreight Yes agree with you and I may still audition some more cables from the Cable Company.
And yet another update: I played Bill Evans Live at the Vanguard on my TT the other night and it just completely sings. Then I switched the Zen cable over to the DAC (successfully this time). All I can say is Wow!. A vast improvement.
It was suggested to try the Acoustic Silver and I'm considering it.


Soix Yes I will pick of an AZ silver at some point, maybe after the holidays. Other priorities are kicking in at the moment but this has been great fun