RCA interconnect recommendation

Would like recommendations for interconnects for both analog and digital side to an integrated Rogue Cronus amp from a Nottingham/EAR 834P on one side and an Antelope Zodiac DAC on the other side. What should I be looking at and what kind of budget should I set. I'm thinking up to $500  for a pair but have no idea. Thanks for all advice.


Showing 4 responses by audphile1

@stuartk comparing cables without EQ in the chain and without tweaking the sound with an EQ is less than ideal test? 
I think you have it backwards. 

With Rogue gear(ST100 and RP1 or RP5) I had excellent results using Acoustic Zen Matrix Reference 2 and Absolute Copper.

With the integrated I’d probably go with AZ Silver Reference MkII between the phono and Chronus and Matrix MkII for the digital front end.

Audience is also a good match. Older AU24 interconnects should be within your budget. 
I would steer away ffom Cardas unless you’re looking to round the highs.


glad to hear you like the Zens! I’ve used many different interconnects throughout the years after selling the AZ matrix II and silver II years ago and recently came back to Acoustic Zen once again. They just let the music flow.