Is Modern Jazz an Oxymoron?

I am a huge jazz fan and 90% of my listening time is listening to instrumental jazz artists from the classic jazz era of 1950's to 1970's. Excluding jazz singers and a few more recent jazz artist who play classic jazz style I can't stand modern jazz.

My question to jazz fans is if it is my limitation or is this a common thing amongst classic jazz fans? Or did you finally come around and learned to appreciate modern jazz? If so which artists?
And there is plenty of great musicians also now even in jazz....
But for sure not one exceed Chet Baker or Bill Evans

First, want to plug for running a fairly modern Internet radio station.

Next, well, this is such a broad statement. I could consider both Coltrane and Keith Jarrett modern jazz artists, and yet I definitely have one I can listen to and be entranced by and one I cannot.
Go to Bandcamp and there are tons of new jazz artists making killer music.  Also realize jazz (like it has always done) has grown to embrace other music such as, but not limited to, hip hop.  There is a great scene of what I will call British afro-jazz, with heavy influences of afrobeat.  Sons of Kemet would an example.  Someone also mentioned Kamasi Washington, another example of creating jazz in a decidedly modern vein.  I picked up an album by a bassist named Junius Paul that just slams.  

I love Mingus and Monk as much as the next guy but you gotta seek in order to find.
Note that modern jazz...whatever it relatively unpopular and always has been, and it's 95% of what I listen to. It rates just below children's music and maybe above polka. Luckily I have managed to find a LOT of "newer" stuff that is astonishing, from Vijay Iyer and Bill Frisell to Ingrid Laubrock and too many others to even try to mention. I refuse to listen to polka...I just do...

Here's music that I have on my playlist and in the car; it never gets old, maybe that's because it's the "undisputed" high priest of modern jazz; Charles "Yardbird" Parker, his "Bird With Strings" never gets old.