Is Modern Jazz an Oxymoron?

I am a huge jazz fan and 90% of my listening time is listening to instrumental jazz artists from the classic jazz era of 1950's to 1970's. Excluding jazz singers and a few more recent jazz artist who play classic jazz style I can't stand modern jazz.

My question to jazz fans is if it is my limitation or is this a common thing amongst classic jazz fans? Or did you finally come around and learned to appreciate modern jazz? If so which artists?

Showing 1 response by wolf_garcia

Note that modern jazz...whatever it relatively unpopular and always has been, and it's 95% of what I listen to. It rates just below children's music and maybe above polka. Luckily I have managed to find a LOT of "newer" stuff that is astonishing, from Vijay Iyer and Bill Frisell to Ingrid Laubrock and too many others to even try to mention. I refuse to listen to polka...I just do...