Unbelievable 3-D imaging sound

I finally got my speakers position and sitting area position correctly for my system.
My system consist of
Macintosh 601 Mono-Block amps
Macintosh C47 pre-amp
bluesound node streamer, I’m using the DAC in my McIntosh C47
Martin Logan Renaissance 15A electrostatics
Tributaries reference cables all around, including power cables for the amps

Well, all I can say is I cannot believe the sound. I cannot pull away from listening to song after song.  Rap songs are absolutely clear and powerful.
Vocals are as if someone is singing in your room. especially the song, the Joke by Brandy Carlisle. I kid you not.
 The Sound  of Silence, by Two Cellos is astonishing. Plus, I never listened before, to that type of music. But is now in my play list. Go figure that out

Mainly, the setup produces clear 3D music. You can pin point where each instruments/song is intended to coming from in the original recording. Some time as many as 5 locations    Some really awesome imaging. Seriously, it’s like having audiophile level headphones on all the time

Maybe I should not be, but I’m surprised a System sounds this good. Its well worth the retail value put on it

Of course I can add this or change that to possibly get a better sound, but I am ok

However,  I did order and will receive a McIntosh C53 PreAmp  In a week to replace the C47. Mainly because of the equalizer’s and the ability to upgrade the DAC as the future dictates. The cost for the upgrade should be minimal compared to trying to purchase a new DAC all the time

Needed to post this because I am just so blown away with the sound
@preslisa64:  I have found that running PBK is huge.  Hearing bass runs up and down the neck with the notes at relatively equal volumes really adds to the realism.  Do it ASAP, and let us know what you think.
Seems like you've found sonic heaven! Roughly how are you set up?
How far apart are the speakers? How far are you sitting from them? How far from the front wall? How big is the room? 
Just curious to know any details you'll share. 
You can do much better then those not even close to upper mid Hifi  cables ,and blue sound streamer is on the basics of 
potential ,the dac , average at best , if you think it’s good fine 
but can be so much better still.
Of course I can do better. We can always do better. Even if you have a $500,000 system. It’s all about relativity, But there are limits, for me anyway. Limits are not always measured in dollars also. Cables, ($1000) streamer ($400)  Yes, I’m sure can be  improved. Hell, even I know they are not up to par with the rest of my system. 
 But for me, I’m happy, right now. In a couple of years, who knows, I may ask
for advice on upgrading those items.